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Viability of honeybee colonies exposed to sunflowers grown from seeds treated with the neonicotinoids thiamethoxam and clothianidin.
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-19
M. Dolores Hernando, Victoria Gámiz, Sergio Gil-Lebrero, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Ana I. García-Valcárcel, V. Cutillas, Amadeo R. Fernández-Alba, José M. Flores

In this study, honeybee colonies were monitored in a field study conducted on sunflowers grown from seeds treated with the systemic neonicotinoids thiamethoxam or clothianidin. This field trial was carried out in different representative growing areas in Spain over a beekeeping season. The health and development of the colonies was assessed by measuring factors that have a significant influence on their strength and overwintering ability. The parameters assessed were: colony strength (adult bees), brood development, amount of pollen and honey stores and presence and status of the queen. The concentration of residues (clothianidin and thiamethoxam) in samples of beebread and in adult bees was at the level of ng.g−1; in the ranges of 0.10–2.89 ng g−1 and 0.05–0.12 ng g−1; 0.10–0.37 ng g−1 and 0.01–0.05 ng g−1, respectively. Multivariate models were applied to evaluate the interaction among factors. No significant differences were found between the honeybee colonies of the different treatment groups, either exposed or not to the neonicotinoids. The seasonal development of the colonies was affected by the environmental conditions which, together with the initial strength of the bee colonies and the characteristics of the plots, had a significant effect on the different variables studied.



在这项研究中,在对使用全身性新烟碱类噻虫草或可比丁胺处理过的种子生长的向日葵上进行的田间研究中,对蜜蜂的菌落进行了监测。在养蜂季节中,该田间试验在西班牙不同的代表性产区进行。通过测量对其强度和越冬能力有重大影响的因素来评估菌落的健康和发育。评估的参数为:菌落强度(成年蜜蜂),雏鸡发育,花粉和蜂蜜储藏量以及皇后的存在和状态。小面包样品和成年蜜蜂样品中残留的含量(可比丁和噻虫嗪)为ng.g -1;在0.10–2.89 ng g -1和0.05–0.12 ng g -1的范围内; 分别为0.10-0.37 ng g -1和0.01-0.05 ng g -1。应用多元模型评估因素之间的相互作用。在暴露于或未暴露于新烟碱的不同治疗组的蜜蜂菌落之间未发现显着差异。殖民地的季节性发展受到环境条件的影响,环境条件与蜂群的初始强度以及地块的特征一起对所研究的不同变量产生重大影响。
