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Integration of a calcium looping process (CaL) to molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs), as carbon concentration system: First findings
Journal of CO2 Utilization ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jcou.2018.03.002
M. Della Pietra , M. Santarelli , S. Stendardo , S. McPhail , Juan Pedro Perez-Trujillo , Francisco Elizalde-Blancas

The utilisation of coal as fuel for the production of energy will grow parallel with the increase of the cost of oil in the next years. This paper aims to investigate the integration between two clean coal technologies: Calcium Looping (CaL) process and Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) in order to produce a high CO2 concentrated stream.

The main goal of this work is to find out the optimum working point of a system using CaL and MCFC technologies, coupled together, to produce decarbonised energy from coal as a primary energy source. The integrated system of CaL with MCFC presented in this paper, is fed with a raw syngas coming from coal gasification [1]. The raw syngas is decarbonised using calcium oxide as solid sorbent in the first reactor of CaL (carbonator), subsequently the clean syngas flowing out of the carbonator is used as anodic fuel for an MCFC. The thermal regeneration of solid sorbents occurs burning methane with air producing a CO2 reach gas, that feeds the cathodic compartment of MCFC.

This configuration allows to concentrate the CO2 from cathode side to anode side of the MCFC, using internal electrochemical reactions of the cell, producing electric power at the same time.

This work has been structured to tackle the coupling of CaL with MCFC using a combined numerical and experimental approach. Thus the investigation of the possible integration has been carried out starting with a lumped model simulating the whole calcium looping process. The model was used to investigate the behaviour of the CaL system when varying the amount of solid sorbent used in the process.

Data coming from the model in terms of gas composition flowing out from CaL reactors were subsequently validated experimentally simulating different operating conditions in a MCFC single cell (81 cm2). Performance of the MCFC was monitored with polarisation curves and power density curves, aiming to integrate experimentally the electric behaviour of the whole system, in order to have a first validation of the two systems working together.



未来几年,利用煤炭作为燃料生产能源将与石油成本的增长同时增长。本文旨在研究两种清洁煤技术之间的集成:钙循环(CaL)工艺和熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC),以产生高CO 2浓缩流。




随后,通过实验模拟了MCFC单电池(81 cm2)中不同的运行条件,验证了从CaL反应器流出的气体成分方面来自模型的数据。MCFC的性能通过极化曲线和功率密度曲线进行监控,目的是通过实验整合整个系统的电性能,以便首先验证两个系统协同工作。
