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Screening and risk management solutions for steroidal estrogens in surface and wastewater
Trends in Analytical Chemistry ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.02.013
Robert Kase , Barbora Javurkova , Eszter Simon , Kees Swart , Sebastian Buchinger , Sarah Könemann , Beate I. Escher , Mario Carere , Valeria Dulio , Selim Ait-Aissa , Henner Hollert , Sara Valsecchi , Stefano Polesello , Peter Behnisch , Carolina di Paolo , Daniel Olbrich , Eliska Sychrova , Michael Gundlach , Rita Schlichting , Lomig Leborgne , Manfred Clara , Christoph Scheffknecht , Yves Marneffe , Carole Chalon , Petr Tusil , Premysl Soldan , Brigitte von Danwitz , Julia Schwaiger , Antonio Moran Palao , Francesca Bersani , Olivier Perceval , Cornelia Kienle , Etienne Vermeirssen , Klara Hilscherova , Georg Reifferscheid , Inge Werner


The European Commission Implementing Decision EU 2015/495 included three steroidal estrogens, namely 17α-ethinyl estradiol, 17β-estradiol, and estrone, in the so-called “watch list” of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The monitoring of these compounds is difficult because the detection limits of the majority of the available analytical methods cannot achieve the very low target concentrations required to meet proposed environmental quality criteria. In 2014, a combined Science-Policy Interface/Chemical Monitoring of Emerging Pollutants project was launched to meet this monitoring challenge. The project involved 24 research organizations and environmental agencies from 12 different countries.


Sixteen surface water (SW) and 17 wastewater (WW) samples were collected across Europe and analysed using five in vitro effect-based and three chemical analytical methods. A general description of the project and data evaluation is provided by Könemann and colleagues in the companion publication 2018. In our study, we compared bioanalytical and chemical analytical results with regard to their application for aquatic status assessment. Therefore we considered the potential to predict population-relevant risks for aquatic organisms and the specificity and sensitivity of the various methods used in both approaches. Finally we tested and discussed the applicability and relevance of previously suggested effect-based trigger values (EBT).


and discussion: Results of the risk assessment based on chemical analytical data correlated highly with estrogenic activities (expressed as 17β-estradiol equivalents (EEQ) determined using effect-based methods), demonstrating the ability of the bioassays to predict mixture risk caused by steroidal estrogens. For about 15 % of SW and 40 % of WW samples detection limits of chemical-analytical methods were too high to allow a status assessment, while detection limits of all effect-based methods were below proposed EBT. This demonstrates that effect-based methods are suitable for status assessment of surface waters. The in vitro effect-based methods were quite specific for steroidal estrogens and highly sensitive, meaning they have a low probability to detect false positive or negative results. After testing of three alternative EBT proposals, we concluded to use preliminary 400 pg/L EEQ as screening EBT corresponding to the AA-EQS of E2. Further test specific refinements in the application of this value are not excluded.


We conclude that water quality assessment can progress from a purely analytical approach to effect-based monitoring, from single substance to known and unknown mixture assessment and from in vitro screening to population-relevant risk assessment. Despite a few limitations, effect-based in vitro methods are recommendable for monitoring steroidal estrogens under the WFD because they, a) are able to sensitively quantify the activity of steroidal estrogens in all surface and wastewater samples, b) are able to detect the combined effect of estrogen mixtures including unknown chemicals with estrogen receptor activating properties, c) allow an ecotoxicological status assessment using EBT to calculate risk quotients. This approach is similar to the risk ratio used in regulatory environmental risk assessments, but allows for an integrated mixture assessment.


The results of this study support the introduction of a holistic approach for the regulation of chemicals in the aquatic environment under the EU WFD, as proposed recently by EU Water Directors. An ecotoxicological status assessment for one of the most relevant modes of action of endocrine disruption will allow authorities responsible for water quality assessment to focus available monitoring resources and to improve the ecological status of EU waterbodies.




欧盟委员会实施决定EU 2015/495包括三个类固醇雌激素,即17α-炔雌醇,17β-雌二醇和雌酮,列为欧盟水框架指令(WFD)的所谓“观察名单”。这些化合物的监测非常困难,因为大多数可用分析方法的检测限都无法达到满足提议的环境质量标准所需的非常低的目标浓度。2014年,启动了科学政策界面/新兴污染物化学监测相结合的项目,以应对这一监测挑战。该项目涉及来自12个不同国家的24个研究组织和环境机构。




与讨论:基于化学分析数据的风险评估结果与雌激素活性高度相关(表示为17β-雌二醇当量(EEQ),采用基于效果的方法确定),证明了生物测定法能够预测类固醇雌激素引起的混合风险。对于大约15%的SW和40%的WW样品,化学分析方法的检出限过高,无法进行状态评估,而所有基于效果的方法的检出限均低于建议的EBT。这表明基于效果的方法适用于地表水状态评估。在体外基于效果的方法对甾体雌激素非常专一且高度敏感,这意味着它们检测假阳性或阴性结果的可能性很小。在测试了三个替代性EBT提案之后,我们得出结论,初步使用400 pg / L EEQ作为与E2的AA-EQS相对应的EBT筛选。不排除对该值的应用进行进一步的测试特定改进。




这项研究的结果支持根据欧盟水务署(EU Water Directors)的最新建议,采用一种整体方法来监管欧盟WFD下的水生环境中的化学物质。对最相​​关的内分泌干扰作用方式之一进行生态毒理学状态评估,将使负责水质评估的当局能够集中可用的监测资源并改善欧盟水体的生态状况。
