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Consistent Twu Parameters for More than 2500 Pure Fluids from Critically Evaluated Experimental Data
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-26 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00967
Ian H. Bell 1 , Marco Satyro 2 , Eric W. Lemmon 1

The construction of the standard cubic equations of state, such as Peng–Robinson or Soave–Redlich–Kwong, does not automatically yield physically reasonable values when the equation of state is extrapolated beyond the range where experimental data are available. A multiproperty fitting exercise was carried out in which we obtained a consistent set of Twu α function parameters for 2570 pure fluids based on the experimental data contained in the ThermoDataEngine (TDE) database developed at NIST. We have applied the consistency checks of Le Guennec et al. to the Twu α function of the Peng–Robinson equation of state. The experimental data stored in the TDE passed through a critical evaluation, and we used only the data that were determined to be thermodynamically reliable. Over all the considered fluids, the mean average percentage error is approximately 7% for vapor pressure, 1% for latent heat of vaporization, and 1% for saturation specific heat.



当状态方程被推断超出可用实验数据的范围时,标准的三次状态方程(例如Peng–Robinson或Soave–Redlich–Kwong)的构造不会自动产生物理上合理的值。进行了一次多属性拟合练习,我们根据NIST开发的ThermoDataEngine(TDE)数据库中包含的实验数据,获得了2570种纯流体的一致Twuα功能参数集。我们已经应用了Le Guennec等人的一致性检查。Peng-Robinson状态方程的Twuα函数。存储在TDE中的实验数据经过了严格的评估,我们仅使用确定为热力学可靠的数据。在所有考虑的流体中,