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Too much of nothing
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(18)30070-1
Tim Stevens

Johann Hari's Lost Connections has attracted considerable attention, much of it because of the dual claims he makes in its subtitle: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression–and the Unexpected Solutions. Unfortunately, the book is neither revelatory about the “real causes” of depression nor about its “solutions”, which will come as no surprise to anyone who treats patients with this pervasive and often devastating illness. There is no single solution, or even a real cause. It's just not as simple as that, and this reductionist approach is ironic considering the author accuses the medical profession of espousing our own version of depression.



约翰·哈里(Johann Hari)的《迷失的联系》Lost Connections)引起了相当大的关注,这在很大程度上是因为他在副标题中提出了双重主张:“发现抑郁的真正原因和意外的解决方案”。不幸的是,这本书既没有揭示抑郁症的“真正原因”,也没有揭示它的“解决方案”,对于那些患有这种普遍且具有毁灭性疾病的患者而言,这不足为奇。没有单一的解决方案,甚至没有真正的原因。这并不是那么简单,考虑到作者指责医学界拥护我们自己的抑郁症,这种还原主义的方法具有讽刺意味。