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Assessment of gonadal and thyroid histology in Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) from Barataria Bay Louisiana one year after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.01.013
Deborah L. Carr , Ernest E. Smith , Arunthavarani Thiyagarajah , Meghan Cromie , Christopher Crumly , Angela Davis , Meijun Dong , Carlos Garcia , Lucas Heintzman , Tiffany Hopper , Kourtney Kouth , Kimberly Morris , Amelia Ruehlen , Phillip Snodgrass , Katelynn Vaughn , James A. Carr

We examined gonads and thyroid glands of Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) 1 yr after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. F. grandis were trapped from two impacted sites in Barataria Bay (Bayou St. Denis, Bay Jimmy) and an un-impacted site in East Texas (Sabine Pass). The greatest number of F. grandis were collected at Sabine Pass. F. grandis collected at Bayou St. Denis were smaller and had smaller Fulton condition factor scores than fish collected at Sabine Pass. Sex ratios were biased roughly 2:1 in favor of females at Sabine Pass and Bayou St. Denis. Gonad-somatic index (GSI) in males from Sabine Pass was double that of fish from Bay Jimmy while germinal epithelium thickness of the testes was 2.7 fold smaller in males from the impacted site. GSI and oocyte diameters in females from Bayou St. Denis were significantly smaller than females from Bay Jimmy or the reference site. There were no differences in thyroid follicle cell height. While total polyaromatic hydrocarbons at the impacted sites were no different from the reference site, the impacted sites did have greater concentrations of benzo[a]pyrene in sediment pore water. The finding of smaller GSI and testicular germinal epithelium in males from an impacted site suggest that exposure to a combination of oil and dispersants may adversely impact testicular function.



在“深水地平线”漏油事件发生1年后,我们检查了海湾金枪鱼(Fundulus grandis)的性腺和甲状腺。F. grandis被困在Barataria湾的两个受影响地点(Bayou St. Denis,吉米湾)和东德克萨斯州的一个未受影响的地点(Sabine Pass)中。在Sabine Pass收集了最多数量的F. grandisF.格兰迪斯与在Sabine Pass收集的鱼相比,在Bayou St. Denis收集的鱼更小,富尔顿条件因子得分也更小。性别比例在Sabine Pass和Bayou St. Denis上偏爱女性的比例约为2:1。来自Sabine Pass的雄性的性腺体细胞指数(GSI)是来自Bay Jimmy湾的鱼类的两倍,而受感染部位的雄性的睾丸生发上皮厚度小2.7倍。来自Bayou St. Denis的雌性的GSI和卵母细胞直径显着小于来自Bay Jimmy或参考地点的雌性。甲状腺滤泡细胞高度没有差异。虽然受影响部位的总聚芳烃与参考部位没有什么不同,但受影响部位的苯并[...] a浓度更高。py在沉积物孔隙水中。在患处男性中发现较小的GSI和睾丸生发上皮,这表明暴露于油和分散剂的组合可能会对睾丸功能产生不利影响。
