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Methodological accounting tool for Climate and Energy Planning in a Norwegian municipality
Journal of Cleaner Production ( IF 9.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-21
Clara Valente, Ellen Soldal, Fredrik Moltu Johnsen, Felipe Verdú, Hanne Lerche Raadal, Ingunn Saur Modahl, Ole Jørgen Hanssen

The aim of this study was to propose a methodology to support the production of Climate and Energy Plans in Norwegian municipalities by analyzing whether locally available woody biomass, specifically forest logging residues, within the municipality (in this case, Fredrikstad), could cover the demand for heating in municipality buildings over the next 20 years. Three different tools, a geoprocessing tool for forestry (GEOSKOG), a methodology for environmental assessment (Life Cycle Assessment) and a tool for processing geographical data (Geographical Information System), were used in combination with energy data related to municipal buildings. The goal was to quantify the share of energy end-use (heat) that could potentially be replaced by bioenergy from forest logging residues and to calculate the potential GHG benefits from this substitution. The annual heating demand for municipal buildings in Fredrikstad currently heated by electric and oil boilers was 9.3 GWh. The potential annual GHG savings from the bioenergy substitution of fossil fuel (oil) boilers and electric boilers (Norwegian and Nordic electricity mix) equaled 292 tonnes CO2-eq, 95 tonnes CO2-eq and 535 tonnes CO2-eq respectively.



这项研究的目的是提出一种方法,通过分析该市(在本例中为Fredrikstad)内当地可用的木质生物量(特别是森林砍伐残留物)是否可以满足需求,来支持挪威各市的《气候与能源计划》的制定。在未来20年内为市政建筑供热。结合了与市政建筑相关的能源数据,使用了三种不同的工具:林业地理处理工具(GEOSKOG),环境评估方法(生命周期评估)和地理数据处理工具(地理信息系统)。目的是量化森林采伐残余物中可能被生物能源替代的最终能源使用(热量)的比例,并计算这种替代方式可能产生的温室气体效益。腓特烈斯塔的市政建筑的年供热需求目前由电和燃油锅炉供暖为9.3 GWh。通过化石燃料(油)锅炉和电锅炉(挪威和北欧的电力混合物)的生物能源替代,每年潜在的温室气体节省量相当于292吨二氧化碳2当量,95吨CO 2当量和535吨CO 2当量。
