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Olfactory Loss and Regain: Lessons for Neuroplasticity
The Neuroscientist ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1073858417703910
Johanna L. Reichert 1, 2 , Veronika Schöpf 1, 2

Hyposmia, the reduced ability to perceive odors, and anosmia, the complete loss of olfactory function, are prevalent disorders, with a severe impact on nutritional health and safety (e.g., Temmel and others 2002). About 20% of the general population is affected by olfactory deficits, with a higher prevalence at older ages (Landis and others 2004; Murphy and others 2002). The main causes for deficits in olfactory function include sinunasal disease, head trauma, upper respiratory tract infection, and neurodegenerative diseases (Damm and others 2004; Temmel and others 2002). In rare cases, humans are born without a functional olfactory sense (congenital anosmia). Among patients suffering from olfactory dysfunction, the prevalence of congenital anosmia was reported as approximately 3% (Damm and others 2004; Henkin and Levy 2002; Temmel and others 2002). It is well known that olfactory deficits have a negative impact on quality of life, including an impact on food intake and food enjoyment, interpersonal relations, and also on personal safety, as patients cannot smell fire or spoilt food anymore (e.g., Temmel and others 2002). For a recent review on clinical aspects of anosmia, see Boesveldt and others (2017).



嗅觉低下(嗅觉能力降低)和嗅觉低下(嗅觉功能完全丧失)是普遍存在的疾病,严重影响营养健康和安全(例如Temmel等2002)。大约20%的普通人群受到嗅觉缺陷的影响,老年患病率更高(Landis等,2004; Murphy等,2002)。嗅觉功能障碍的主要原因包括鼻窦疾病,头部外伤,上呼吸道感染和神经退行性疾病(Damm等2004; Temmel等2002)。在极少数情况下,人类出生时没有功能性嗅觉(先天性失眠)。在患有嗅觉功能障碍的患者中,先天性厌食症的患病率据报道约为3%(Damm等2004; Henkin和Levy 2002; 2002)。Temmel等(2002)。众所周知,嗅觉缺陷会对生活质量产生负面影响,包括对食物摄入和食物享用,人际关系以及人身安全的影响,因为患者不再闻到火或变质的食物(例如,Temmel等) 2002)。有关近期关于贫血症的临床方面的评论,请参阅Boesveldt等人(2017)。