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The Role of Cations on the Performance of Lithium Ion Batteries: A Quantitative Analytical Approach
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 16.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00523
Sascha Nowak 1 , Martin Winter 1, 2

Lithium ion batteries are nowadays the state-of-the-art power sources for portable electronic devices and the most promising candidate for energy storage in large-size batteries, e.g., pure and hybrid vehicles. However, the degradation of the cell components minimizes both storage and operation lifetime (calendar and cycle life), which is called aging. Due to the numerous different aging effects, in either the single constituents or their interactions with each other, many reports about methodologies and techniques, both electrochemical and analytical, can be found in the literature. However, quantitative data about the degradation effects were seldom stated. One important effect is the cation distribution and migration during operation. Metal dissolution and metal migration of the cathode and the corresponding deposition of these metals on the graphitic anode are known harmful degradation effects, especially for the formed solid electrolyte interphase on the surface of the anode. Depending on the applied cell chemistries and therefore the cathode material, different mechanisms were reported so far. For lithium manganese oxide based cells, the acidification of the electrolyte due to composition of the conduction salt is attributed as the main source of metal migration. Due to subsequent loss of manganese from the cathode, the overall performance of the cell is seriously impaired. Based on the obtained observations, this degradation mechanism was adapted to lithium nickel cobalt manganese based cells as main cause of the capacity fading. However, with the help a developed total X-ray fluorescence method and additional surface and electrolyte investigations, the proposed HF based mechanism was disproven. Instead, the migration was directly associated with material defects or mechanical spalling of the particles. Furthermore, with the obtained quantitative data of the migrated transition metals on the anode and separator, the contribution on the capacity fade was determined. It ranged only the ‰ region and could therefore be excluded as the main source of the capacity in these lithium ion batteries. Nevertheless, the oxidation state of the cations is hardly accessible; but would provide further information about the exact migrating mechanisms.


