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Paternal and maternal depression and offspring risk: additive effects or worse?
The Lancet Psychiatry ( IF 30.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(18)30013-0
Petra J Havinga , Lynn Boschloo , Catharina A Hartman , Robert A Schoevers

We read the Article by Gemma Lewis and colleagues1 with great interest, as they convincingly showed in two large population-based cohorts that depressive symptoms in fathers, just like depressive symptoms in mothers, predicted depressive symptoms in adolescent offspring. The impact of paternal depressive symptoms was independent of the impact of maternal depressive symptoms, which stresses the importance of both parents' mental health for offspring mental health (see also the thoughtful comment by Underwood and Waldie2).



我们非常感兴趣地阅读了杰玛·刘易斯(Gemma Lewis)及其同事1的文章,因为他们令人信服地显示出两个基于人口的大型队列研究表明,父亲的抑郁症状就像母亲的抑郁症状一样,可以预测青春期后代的抑郁症状。父亲抑郁症状的影响独立于母亲抑郁症状的影响,这强调了父母双方的心理健康对于后代心理健康的重要性(另请参见Underwood和Waldie的体贴评论2)。