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First estimates of Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) local abundances in Arctic waters.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-17 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-19115-x
Brynn M. Devine , Laura J. Wheeland , Jonathan A. D. Fisher

Baited remote underwater video cameras were deployed in the Eastern Canadian Arctic, for the purpose of estimating local densities of the long-lived Greenland shark within five deep-water, data-poor regions of interest for fisheries development and marine conservation in Nunavut, Canada. A total of 31 camera deployments occurred between July-September in 2015 and 2016 during joint exploratory fishing and scientific cruises. Greenland sharks appeared at 80% of deployments. A total of 142 individuals were identified and no individuals were observed in more than one deployment. Estimates of Greenland shark abundance and biomass were calculated from averaged times of first arrival, video-derived swimming speed and length data, and local current speed estimates. Density estimates varied 1-15 fold among regions; being highest in warmer (>0 °C), deeper areas and lowest in shallow, sub-zero temperature regions. These baited camera results illustrate the ubiquity of this elusive species and suggest that Nunavut's Lancaster Sound eco-zone may be of particular importance for Greenland shark, a potentially vulnerable Arctic species.


对北极水域格陵兰鲨鱼(Somniosus microcephalus)局部丰富度的初步估计。

在加拿大东部北极地区部署了带诱饵的远程水下摄象机,目的是估算加拿大努纳武特的五个深水,数据贫乏地区的长寿格陵兰鲨鱼在当地的密度,这是渔业发展和海洋保护的五个感兴趣的地区。在2015年7月至9月之间的联合探索性捕鱼和科学巡航期间,共进行了31次摄像机部署。格陵兰鲨鱼出现在部署的80%中。总共确定了142个人,在一个以上的部署中未观察到任何个人。根据首次到达的平均时间,视频得出的游泳速度和长度数据以及当地的当前速度估算值,可以计算出格陵兰鲨鱼的丰度和生物量。区域之间的密度估计值相差1-15倍;最高温度(> 0°C),较深的区域,而在低于零度的浅温度区域则最低。这些诱人的照相机结果说明了这种难以捉摸的物种的普遍性,并暗示了努纳武特的兰开斯特海峡生态区对于格陵兰鲨鱼(一种潜在的北极脆弱物种)可能特别重要。