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Supplemental feeding and other anthropogenic threats to green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Canary Islands
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.126
Catalina Monzón-Argüello , Luis Cardona , Pascual Calabuig , María Camacho , José Luis Crespo-Picazo , Daniel García-Párraga , Santiago Mayans , Octavio P. Luzardo , Jorge Orós , Nuria Varo-Cruz

Green turtles are found in the waters of the Canary Islands but little is known about the ecology and anthropogenic pressures that threaten them. Our results have revealed that juvenile green turtles, ranging in curve carapace length from 26.9–81.0 cm, are regularly found in the archipelago and originate from rookeries in both the eastern and western Atlantic. Photo-identification and satellite tracking showed high levels of site fidelity to coastal foraging grounds associated with seagrass meadows, but stable isotope analysis indicated animal-based omnivorous diets after settlement on the continental shelf, with no increase in the consumption of macrophytes as the turtles grew. Most turtles exhibited high levels of some blood biochemical markers associated with a high consumption of proteins and fat. In addition, we determined levels of some organic and inorganic pollutants. Supplemental feeding may also contribute to explain the high prevalence of hooking and boat strikes in the green turtles brought to wildlife rescue centers as compared with loggerhead turtles. Regulatory measures and surveillance should be urgently implemented in order to improve the status of the species in the archipelago.


加纳利群岛对绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)的补充喂养和其他人为威胁

在加那利群岛的水域中发现了绿海龟,但对其构成威胁的生态和人为压力知之甚少。我们的研究结果表明,幼年绿海龟的甲壳长度在26.9–81.0之间 厘米通常在群岛上发现,起源于大西洋东部和西部的群鸟。照片识别和卫星跟踪显示了与海草草甸相关的沿海觅食地的高保真度,但是稳定的同位素分析表明,在大陆架上定居后,动物为食的杂食性饮食,随着海龟的生长,大型植物的消费量没有增加。大多数乌龟都表现出一些高水平的血液生化标志物,与蛋白质和脂肪的大量消耗有关。此外,我们确定了一些有机和无机污染物的水平。补充喂养也可能有助于解释带入野生动植物抢救中心的绿海龟与compared海龟相比,钩钩和小船罢工的普遍性。
