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Food science and technology challenges for the 21st century: Research to progress society: Outcomes from the 31st EFFoST international conference 2017, Sitges, Spain ☆
Trends in Food Science & Technology ( IF 15.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2018.01.002
Ronan Gormley

The 31st European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) International Conference took place in Sitges, Spain on 13–16 November, 2017 under the theme: Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century. It was organised jointly by Professor Buenaventura Guamis-López (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) and Professor Olga Martín-Belloso (Universitat de Lleida, Spain) (Conference Chairs) together with an organising committee and the international scientific committee in association with Professor Lilia Ahrné (EFFoST President). The Co-Chairs and the EFFoST President welcomed the delegates on behalf of the Organising Committee and encouraged them to participate fully in all aspects of the event. The conference embraced cutting edge research outcomes together with lectures on mainstream food science and technology including processes, safety, nutrition and health, food analysis, gastronomy and the key area of SME start-ups, and also crisis management. The conference sub-theme was Research to Progress Society which is of critical importance at a time where research impact is paramount and consumers/society are/is increasingly engaging with science both positively and negatively. Networking by attendees was extensive as evidenced by discussions at the poster sessions, during coffee and lunch breaks, and also with the various companies exhibiting at the conference. There were 181 oral presentations embracing 15 plenary lectures, 19 invited lectures and 147 other lectures in 24 theme areas (see section 2) held in five parallel sessions. Poster presentations numbered 467 and there were over 550 attendees.



第31届欧洲食品科学技术联盟(EFFoST)国际会议于2017年11月13日至16日在西班牙锡切斯举行,主题为:“ 21世纪的食品科学和技术挑战”。它是由西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的BuenaventuraGuamis-López教授和西班牙莱里达大学的OlgaMartín-Belloso教授(会议主席)以及一个组织委员会和国际科学委员会与Lilia教授共同组织的。 Ahrné(EFFoST主席)。联合主席和EFFoST主席代表组委会对与会代表表示欢迎,并鼓励他们充分参与活动的各个方面。会议涵盖了最前沿的研究成果,并举办了有关主流食品科学和技术的讲座,包括过程,安全,营养与健康,食品分析,美食,中小企业初创企业的关键领域以及危机管理。会议的子主题是“研究促进进步”在研究影响至高无上,消费者/社会正/越来越积极地与科学互动的时代,这一点至关重要。与会人员之间的网络交流非常广泛,在张贴者会议,咖啡和午餐休息时间以及与参加会议的各个公司的讨论中都可以看到。在五个平行的会议上,在24个主题领域(见第2节)进行了181次口头报告,包括15次全体演讲,19次特邀演讲和147次其他演讲。海报展示次数为467,有550多人参加。
