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Watching the teen brain grow
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-04 , DOI: 10.1126/science.359.6371.13
Meredith Wadman

Adolescence is a time of extraordinarily important brain changes. And thanks to an unprecedented study now being launched, scientists will be able to examine those changes in depth, using MRI to define what normal growth looks like—and helping clarify what can go awry in teenage brains. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study—or ABCD Study—is a $300 million effort funded by the National Institutes of Health that will scan the brains of some 10,000 U.S. youths, beginning when they are 9 and 10 years old and imaging them every 2 years for 10 years. In addition to collecting scans of brain structure and function, the research teams at 21 study sites around the country will regularly gather a trove of other information from each youngster, from psychological, cognitive, and environmental data to biological specimens such as DNA. The hope is that by enrolling children young, before influences like substance use and sports injuries kick in, scientists will be able to untangle chicken-and-egg questions that correlational studies can9t—questions about everything from mental illness to the impact of marijuana on the developing brain. The response so far has been encouraging: Two-thirds of the way through a 2-year enrollment period that ends in September, the researchers have signed up more than 6800 children. And anonymized data from the first 4500 of them are due to be deposited in a publicly accessible database later this month.



青春期是大脑发生极其重要变化的时期。并且由于一项前所未有的研究正在启动,科学家们将能够深入检查这些变化,使用 MRI 来定义正常生长的样子——并帮助阐明青少年大脑中可能出现的问题。青少年大脑认知发展研究(或 ABCD 研究)是一项由美国国立卫生研究院资助的 3 亿美元项目,它将扫描大约 10,000 名美国青少年的大脑,从他们 9 岁和 10 岁开始,每 2 年对他们进行一次成像。 10年。除了收集大脑结构和功能的扫描图外,全国 21 个研究地点的研究团队还将定期从每个年轻人那里收集大量其他信息,从心理、认知和环境数据到 DNA 等生物样本。希望通过让年幼的儿童入学,在药物滥用和运动损伤等影响开始之前,科学家们将能够解开相关性研究无法解决的先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题——从精神疾病到大麻对健康的影响等方方面面的问题。开发大脑。迄今为止的反应令人鼓舞:在 9 月结束的 2 年入学期中,三分之二的时间里,研究人员已经注册了 6800 多名儿童。其中前 4500 份的匿名数据将于本月晚些时候存放在一个可公开访问的数据库中。科学家们将能够解开相关性研究无法解决的先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题——从精神疾病到大麻对发育中大脑的影响等方方面面的问题。迄今为止的反应令人鼓舞:在 9 月结束的 2 年入学期中,三分之二的时间里,研究人员已经注册了 6800 多名儿童。其中前 4500 份的匿名数据将于本月晚些时候存放在一个可公开访问的数据库中。科学家们将能够解开相关性研究无法解决的先有鸡还是先有蛋的问题——从精神疾病到大麻对发育中大脑的影响等方方面面的问题。迄今为止的反应令人鼓舞:在 9 月结束的 2 年入学期中,三分之二的时间里,研究人员已经注册了 6800 多名儿童。其中前 4500 份的匿名数据将于本月晚些时候存放在一个可公开访问的数据库中。