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Turning thirty: evolution but not revolution at the ERJ
European Respiratory Journal ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02594-2017
Martin Kolb , James D. Chalmers

The European Respiratory Journal was officially born in 1988 when the European Journal of Respiratory Diseases was merged with the Bulletin Européen de Physiopathologie Respiratoire. This was 2 years before the European Respiratory Society was founded (and 2 years before the worldwide web!). Peter Howard was one of the driving forces for the merger and he expressed in a report from 1986 that “… it will soon be possible to use a microcomputer to put the scientific papers on a floppy disc, which can be inserted into the back of a printing machine to produce perfect print…” [1]. Just imagine how the scientific world has changed in the 30 years since the first edition of the ERJ. “Papers on a floppy disk” may cause nostalgic feelings to the older editors, authors and readers of the journal, but probably sounds ancient to the younger ones. The new chief editor team outlines how they’ll continue the journal’s great journey, started by the previous leaders http://ow.ly/1VRd30hi6F3


三十岁:ERJ 的进化而非革命

欧洲呼吸杂志正式诞生于 1988 年,当时欧洲呼吸疾病杂志与欧洲生理病理学呼吸杂志合并。这比欧洲呼吸学会成立早了 2 年(比万维网早了 2 年!)。彼得霍华德是合并的推动力之一,他在 1986 年的一份报告中表示“……很快就可以使用微型计算机将科学论文放在软盘上,软盘可以插入到印刷机产生完美的印刷品……”[1]。试想一下,自 ERJ 第一版发布以来的 30 年里,科学界发生了怎样的变化。“软盘上的论文”可能会给杂志的年长编辑、作者和读者带来怀旧的感觉,但对年轻人来说可能听起来很古老。