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Culture and climate change scenarios: the role and potential of the arts and humanities in responding to the ‘1.5 degrees target’
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2017.12.007
Renata Tyszczuk , Joe Smith

This paper critically assesses the role and potential of the arts and humanities in relation to the ‘1.5 degree target’ embedded within the Paris Agreement. Specifically, it considers the purpose of scenarios in inviting thinking about transformed futures. It includes a preliminary assessment of the Culture and Climate Change: Scenarios project, an example of arts and humanities engagement with a ‘1.5 °C future’. The paper argues that integrating more culturally rooted contributions into the creation and deliberation of climate change scenarios would enrich processes of future-thinking beyond climate model outputs. It would also test and extend some established practices of climate research and policy in anticipating and making futures. The paper suggests that the key characteristics of scenarios as a cultural form are that they provide space for collective, improvisational and reflexive modes of acting on and thinking about uncertain futures.


文化和气候变化情景:艺术和人文学科在应对“ 1.5度目标”中的作用和潜力

本文就《巴黎协定》中嵌入的“ 1.5度目标”的重要性,对艺术和人文科学的作用和潜力进行了严格的评估。具体来说,它考虑了方案的目的,以邀请人们思考转换后的期货。它包括对“文化与气候变化:情景”的初步评估。该项目是艺术和人文科学与“ 1.5°C未来”交往的典范。该论文认为,将更多具有文化根源的贡献整合到气候变化情景的创造和审议中,将使未来思考的过程超出气候模型输出的范围。它还将测试和扩展一些有关气候研究和政策的既定实践,以预测和制定未来。本文认为,情景作为一种文化形式的关键特征是,它们为集体,即兴和反身模式提供了空间,使他们可以对不确定的未来采取行动和思考。
