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Seismic signature of active intrusions in mountain chains.
Science Advances ( IF 11.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-Jan-01 , DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701825
Francesca Di Luccio 1 , Giovanni Chiodini 2 , Stefano Caliro 3 , Carlo Cardellini 4 , Vincenzo Convertito 3 , Nicola Alessandro Pino 3 , Cristiano Tolomei 5 , Guido Ventura 1

Intrusions are a ubiquitous component of mountain chains and testify to the emplacement of magma at depth. Understanding the emplacement and growth mechanisms of intrusions, such as diapiric or dike-like ascent, is critical to constrain the evolution and structure of the crust. Petrological and geological data allow us to reconstruct magma pathways and long-term magma differentiation and assembly processes. However, our ability to detect and reconstruct the short-term dynamics related to active intrusive episodes in mountain chains is embryonic, lacking recognized geophysical signals. We analyze an anomalously deep seismic sequence (maximum magnitude 5) characterized by low-frequency bursts of earthquakes that occurred in 2013 in the Apennine chain in Italy. We provide seismic evidences of fluid involvement in the earthquake nucleation process and identify a thermal anomaly in aquifers where CO2 of magmatic origin dissolves. We show that the intrusion of dike-like bodies in mountain chains may trigger earthquakes with magnitudes that may be relevant to seismic hazard assessment. These findings provide a new perspective on the emplacement mechanisms of intrusive bodies and the interpretation of the seismicity in mountain chains.


