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Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults
The New England Journal of Medicine ( IF 96.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-03

To the Editor: Marcantonio (Oct. 12 issue)1 lists urinary tract infection as a contributing factor to delirium in older patients and recommends evaluating and treating such patients for urinary tract infection. However, underlying cognitive and functional deficits predispose elderly patients to both delirium and asymptomatic bacteriuria, creating an association even without causation.2 The attribution of delirium to coincidentally discovered (and probably causally unrelated) bacteriuria leads to considerable use of antibiotic agents, with uncertain benefit and possible harms. This clinical scenario represents a contentious evidence-free zone. Infectious disease specialists regard this entity as asymptomatic bacteriuria, for which high-quality evidence supports nontreatment.2,3 . . .


