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Inconsistency between Danish incidence and prevalence data about psoriatic arthritis (PsA)
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases ( IF 27.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-02 , DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2017-212817
Philipp Sewerin 1 , Annika Hoyer 2 , Matthias Schneider 1 , Benedikt Ostendorf 1 , Ralph Brinks 1

We are grateful to Egeberg and Kristensen for presenting the detailed data about the prevalence and incidence of psoriatic arthritis (PsA).1 Based on these detailed information, we tried to estimate the excess mortality of people with diagnosed PsA by uising a mathematical relation between incidence, prevalence and mortality.2 3 During analysis of the incidence and prevalence data, we have made the following observation: if we assume that — on population average — people with PsA do not have a better survival than those without PsA, we can compute a lower …


丹麦关于银屑病关节炎 (PsA) 的发病率和患病率数据不一致

我们感谢 Egeberg 和 Kristensen 提供有关银屑病关节炎 (PsA) 患病率和发病率的详细数据。1 基于这些详细信息,我们试图通过使用发病率之间的数学关系来估计诊断出 PsA 患者的超额死亡率、患病率和死亡率。2 3 在分析发病率和患病率数据期间,我们进行了以下观察:如果我们假设——就人口平均而言——患有 PsA 的人没有比没有 PsA 的人更好的存活率,我们可以计算出降低 …