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Therapeutic Effects of Targeted PPARɣ Activation on Inflamed High-Risk Plaques Assessed by Serial Optical Imaging In Vivo
Theranostics ( IF 12.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.7150/thno.20885
Jah Yeon Choi , Jiheun Ryu , Hyun Jung Kim , Joon Woo Song , Joo Hee Jeon , Dae-Hee Lee , Dong Joo Oh , Dae-Gab Gweon , Wang-Yuhl Oh , Hongki Yoo , Kyeongsoon Park , Jin Won Kim

Rationale: Atherosclerotic plaque is a chronic inflammatory disorder involving lipid accumulation within arterial walls. In particular, macrophages mediate plaque progression and rupture. While PPARγ agonist is known to have favorable pleiotropic effects on atherogenesis, its clinical application has been very limited due to undesirable systemic effects. We hypothesized that the specific delivery of a PPARγ agonist to inflamed plaques could reduce plaque burden and inflammation without systemic adverse effects.


