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Assessing distributions of two invasive species of contrasting habits in future climate
Journal of Environmental Management ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.12.053
Rajendra Mohan Panda , Mukunda Dev Behera , Partha Sarathi Roy

Understanding the impact of climate change on species invasion is crucial for sustainable biodiversity conservation. Through this study, we try to answer how species differing in phenological cycles, specifically Cassia tora and Lantana camara, differ in the manner in which they invade new regions in India in the future climate. Since both species occupy identical niches, exploring their invasive potential in different climate change scenarios will offer critical insights into invasion and inform ecosystem management. We use three modelling protocols (i.e., maximum entropy, generalised linear model and generalised additive model) to predict the current distribution. Projections are made for both moderate (A1B) and extreme (A2) IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) scenarios for the year 2050 and 2100. The study reveals that the distributions of C. tora (annual) and L. camara (perennial) would depend on the precipitation of the warmest quarter and moisture availability. C. tora may demonstrate physiological tolerance to the mean diurnal temperature range and L. camara to the solar radiation. C. tora may invade central India, while L. camara may invade the Western Himalaya, parts of the Eastern Himalaya and the Western Ghats. The distribution ranges of both species could shift in the northern and north-eastern directions in India, owing to changes in moisture availability. The possible alterations in precipitation regimes could lead to water stress, which might have cascading effects on species invasion. L. camara might adapt to climate change better compared with C. tora. This comparative analysis of the future distributions of two invasive plants with contrasting habits demonstrates that temporal complementarity would prevail over the competition.



了解气候变化对物种入侵的影响对于可持续的生物多样性保护至关重要。通过这项研究,我们试图回答物种在物候周期方面的差异,特别是决明子tora马tana丹camara在未来的气候下,它们入侵印度新地区的方式有所不同。由于两个物种都占据相同的生态位,因此在不同的气候变化情景中探索其入侵潜力将为入侵提供重要的见识并为生态系统管理提供信息。我们使用三种建模协议(即最大熵,广义线性模型和广义加性模型)来预测电流分布。对2050年和2100年的IPCC(政府间气候变化专门委员会)中度(A1B)和极端(A2)情景进行了预测。研究表明,C。tora(年度)和L.camara(常年)的分布取决于最暖季的降水量和水分供应量。C. tora可能表现出对平均昼夜温度范围的生理耐受性以及对太阳辐射的卡马氏乳杆菌的耐受性。C. tora可能入侵印度中部,而L. camara可能入侵西喜马拉雅山,东喜马拉雅山的一部分和西高止山脉。由于水分供应的变化,这两种物种的分布范围都可能在印度的北部和东北方向发生变化。降水制度的可能变化可能导致水分胁迫,这可能对物种入侵具有连锁效应。与C. tora相比,L。camara可能更好地适应气候变化。对两种习惯相反的入侵植物的未来分布进行的比较分析表明,时间上的互补性将在竞争中占上风。
