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Source identification of human exposure to lead in nine Cree Nations from Quebec, Canada (Eeyou Istchee territory)
Environmental Research ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.11.023
Eric N. Liberda , Leonard J.S. Tsuji , Ian D. Martin , Pierre Ayotte , Elizabeth Robinson , Eric Dewailly , Evert Nieboer

While policies to decrease lead in the environment have been implemented to reduce human exposure to various lead sources, the use of lead ammunition to harvest wild game may continue to contribute significantly to human blood lead levels (BLLs). As part of a multi-community environment-and-health study, BLLs representing all age groups were evaluated in the nine Cree Nations located in the James and Hudson Bay regions of Quebec, Canada. Personal, market food, traditional food and 24-h recall questionnaires were administered. Predictor variables were assessed for various exposure sources, including diet and hunting practices. Elevated BLLs were observed in association with increased hunting status, use of firearms and leaded ammunition, and consumption of traditional foods. Significant differences were observed between all communities, age groups and sexes. Recommendations include educational campaigns that promote switching to non-lead ammunition and, if lead ammunition continues to be used, careful removal from tissues of pellets, bullet fragments and ammunition paths.


来自加拿大魁北克(Eeyou Istchee领土)​​的9个Cree国家中人类对铅的接触的来源鉴定

虽然已经实施了减少环境中铅含量的政策以减少人类接触各种铅源的时间,但使用铅弹药来采集野生野味可能会继续对人类血铅水平(BLLs)做出重大贡献。作为多社区环境与健康研究的一部分,在加拿大魁北克的詹姆斯和哈德逊湾地区的九个Cree Nations中对代表所有年龄段的BLL进行了评估。管理个人,市场食品,传统食品和24小时召回问卷。针对各种暴露源(包括饮食和狩猎习惯)评估了预测变量。人们发现,随着狩猎状况的增加,枪支和含铅弹药的使用以及传统食品的消费量增加,血红蛋白水平升高。在所有社区之间都观察到了显着差异,年龄段和性别。建议包括开展教育运动,以促进改用无铅弹药,如果继续使用铅弹药,则应从组织中仔细清除小球,子弹碎片和弹药路径。
