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Analysis of mesoscale effects in high-shear granulation through a computational fluid dynamics–population balance coupled compartment model
Particuology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2017.01.008
P.J. Abrahamsson , P. Kvist , G. Reynolds , X. Yu , I. Niklasson Björn , M.J. Hounslow , A. Rasmuson

There is a need for mesoscale resolution and coupling between flow-field information and the evolution of particle properties in high-shear granulation. We have developed a modelling framework that compartmentalizes the high-shear granulation process based on relevant process parameters in time and space. The model comprises a coupled-flow-field and population-balance solver and is used to resolve and analyze the effects of mesoscales on the evolution of particle properties. A Diosna high-shear mixer was modelled with microcrystalline cellulose powder as the granulation material. An analysis of the flow-field solution and compartmentalization allows for a resolution of the stress and collision peak at the impeller blades. Different compartmentalizations showed the importance of resolving the impeller region, for aggregating systems and systems with breakage. An independent study investigated the time evolution of the flow field by changing the particle properties in three discrete steps that represent powder mixing, the initial granulation stage mixing and the late stage granular mixing. The results of the temporal resolution study show clear changes in collision behavior, especially from powder to granular mixing, which indicates the importance of resolving mesoscale phenomena in time and space.



