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Yellow fever vaccination coverage in French Guiana
The Lancet Infectious Diseases ( IF 36.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s1473-3099(17)30701-6
Benoit Vallet , Denise Antona , Fabrice Quet , Magid Herida , Thierry Comolet

We read the Article by Freya M Shearer and colleagues1 about global yellow fever vaccination coverage and the associated Comment by Annelies Wilder-Smith2 with great interest. We acknowledge the authors' effort to update the current situation on this important issue. However, we cannot agree that most of the French Guianan population need to be vaccinated against this disease (ie, 200 000 people of a total population of 262 527, according to official estimates).3



我们非常感兴趣地阅读了Freya M Shearer及其同事1关于全球黄热病疫苗接种范围的文章以及Annelies Wilder-Smith 2的相关评论。我们感谢作者在这个重要问题上努力更新当前状况的努力。但是,我们不能同意,大多数法国圭亚那人口都需要接种该疾病的疫苗(即,根据官方估计,总人口为262527人,其中有20万人)。3