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Replacing ground corn with incremental amounts of liquid molasses does not change milk enterolactone but decreases production in dairy cows fed flaxseed meal
Journal of Dairy Science ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-21 , DOI: 10.3168/jds.2017-13689
C.P. Ghedini , D.C. Moura , R.A.V. Santana , A.S. Oliveira , A.F. Brito

We investigated the effects of replacing ground corn (GRC) with incremental amounts of liquid molasses (LM) on milk enterolactone concentration, antioxidant enzymes activity in plasma, production, milk fatty acid (FA) profile, and nutrient utilization in Jersey cows fed flaxseed meal and low-starch diets. Sixteen multiparous organically certified Jersey cows averaging (mean ± standard deviation) 101 ± 45 d in milk, 462 ± 38 kg of body weight, and 19.8 ± 3.90 kg/d of milk in the beginning of the study were randomly assigned to treatment sequences in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design, with 14 d for diet adaptation and 7 d for data and sample collection. Diets were fed as total mixed rations consisting (dry matter basis) of 52% grass-legume baleage, 8% grass hay, 8.5% soyhulls, 2.5% roasted soybean, 15% flaxseed meal, and 2% minerals-vitamins premix. The GRC-to-LM dietary ratios (dry matter basis) were 12:0, 8:4, 4:8, and 0:12. Orthogonal polynomials were used to test linear, quadratic, and cubic effects using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). The milk concentration of enterolactone tended to respond cubically, thus suggesting that replacing GRC with LM did not affect this lignan in milk. The plasma activities of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and catalase did not differ, but superoxide dismutase activity tended to respond cubically with feeding increasing amounts of LM. Dry matter intake and yields of milk and milk fat, true protein, and lactose decreased linearly with substituting GRC for LM. Whereas the concentrations of milk fat and milk true protein did not differ across treatments, milk lactose content decreased linearly. Feeding incremental levels of LM reduced linearly the milk concentration of urea N and the amount of N excreted in urine, and tended to decrease linearly the concentration of plasma urea N. Apparent total-tract digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, and neutral and acid detergent fiber did not differ across treatments, whereas digestibility of crude protein decreased linearly. Digestibility of starch responded linearly and quadratically, but the actual differences between treatments were too small to be biologically significant. Milk FA profile was substantially changed most notably by linear increases in cis-9,trans-11 18:2, cis-9,cis-12,cis-15 18:3, Σ odd-chain FA, and the trans-11-to-trans-10 ratio, and linear decreases in cis-9 18:1 and cis-9,cis-12 18:2 when replacing GRC by incremental amounts of LM.



我们研究了用增量糖蜜(LM)代替玉米粉(GRC)对牛奶肠内酯浓度,血浆抗氧化酶活性,产量,牛奶脂肪酸(FA)谱以及饲喂亚麻籽粕的泽西奶牛的营养利用的影响和低淀粉饮食。在研究开始时,平均将16头经有机认证的泽西奶牛平均(平均±标准偏差)101±45 d,牛奶,462±38 kg体重和19.8±3.90 kg / d的乳汁分配到处理顺序中。复制的4×4拉丁方形设计,其中14 d用于饮食适应,7 d用于数据和样品收集。饲料以总混合日粮(以干物质计)组成,其中包括52%的豆类草饲料,8%的干草,8.5%的大豆皮,2.5%的烤大豆,15%的亚麻粕,和2%的矿物质-维生素预混料。GRC与LM的饮食比例(以干物质计)为12:0、8:4、4:8和0:12。使用SAS的MIXED程序(北卡罗来纳州卡里的SAS Institute Inc.),使用正交多项式来测试线性,二次和三次效应。牛奶中肠内酯的浓度趋于立方响应,因此表明用LM代替GRC不会影响牛奶中的这种木脂素。抗氧化酶谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶的血浆活性没有差异,但是超氧化物歧化酶活性倾向于随着摄食LM的增加而发生立方响应。用GRC代替LM,牛奶和乳脂,真蛋白和乳糖的干物质摄入量和产量线性下降。乳脂和乳真蛋白的浓度在各处理之间没有差异,牛奶中的乳糖含量呈线性下降。饲喂增量水平的LM线性降低牛奶中尿素N的浓度和尿中排泄的N的量,并趋于线性降低血浆尿素N的浓度。干物质,有机物质以及中性和酸性物质的表观总消化率洗涤剂纤维在不同处理之间没有差异,而粗蛋白的消化率线性下降。淀粉的消化率呈线性和二次方响应,但处理之间的实际差异太小,没有生物学意义。牛奶中FA的分布曲线发生了显着变化,最显着的变化是线性增加 干物质,有机物质以及中性和酸性洗涤剂纤维的表观总消化率在不同处理之间没有差异,而粗蛋白的消化率则呈线性下降。淀粉的消化率呈线性和二次方响应,但处理之间的实际差异太小,没有生物学意义。牛奶中FA的分布曲线发生了显着变化,最显着的变化是线性增加 干物质,有机物质以及中性和酸性洗涤剂纤维的表观总消化率在不同处理之间没有差异,而粗蛋白的消化率线性下降。淀粉的消化率呈线性和二次方响应,但处理之间的实际差异太小,没有生物学意义。牛奶中FA的分布曲线发生了显着变化,最显着的变化是线性增加顺式-9,反式-11 18:2,顺式-9,顺式-12,顺式-15 18:3,Σ奇数链FA和反式-11-与反式-10的比率,以及顺式的线性降低当用增量量的LM代替GRC时,-9 18:1和顺-9,-12 18:2。
