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Madame President
Journal of the American College of Cardiology ( IF 21.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.11.018
Mary Norine Walsh

C ardiology remains a specialty that is dominated by men. American College of Cardiology (ACC) data show that only 9.8% of Fellows who are U.S. board certified in adult cardiovascular disease are women. Additionally, the American Association of Medical Colleges workforce reports that in 2015, 13.2% of cardiologists were women (1,2). Despite this under-representation, women cardiologists are increasingly visible in leadership roles, including those in research science, health systems administration, and clinical practice. Cardiology professional society leadership has also seen an increase in women leaders. This year in particular has been a banner year for women. Women have been, are now, or soon will be at the helm of many of the major cardiology societies in the world. Some of them are serving their societies as the first woman president. I have the pleasure of serving the ACC as its third woman president. Suzanne Knoebel, MD, MACC, was president from 1982 to 1983, and Pamela Douglas, MD, MACC, from 2005 to 2006. In my travels as ACC president, I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know these talented women (Figure 1), and I have asked some of them to share their journeys, their thoughts on leadership, and advice they have for women seeking leadership roles. It is my hope that their comments will inspire other women to seek out leadership in their societies and in other venues, so that soon there will so many women leading that we will stop counting.



心脏病学仍然是男性主导的专业。美国心脏病学会 (ACC) 的数据显示,在美国成人心血管疾病委员会认证的研究员中,只有 9.8% 是女性。此外,美国医学院劳动力协会报告说,2015 年,13.2% 的心脏病专家是女性 (1,2)。尽管代表性不足,但女性心脏病专家在领导角色中的地位越来越明显,包括研究科学、卫生系统管理和临床实践。心脏病学专业协会的领导者也出现了女性领导者的增加。今年对女性来说尤其是标志性的一年。女性曾经、现在或即将成为世界上许多主要心脏病学会的掌舵人。他们中的一些人作为第一位女总统为他们的社会服务。我很高兴作为第三位女主席为 ACC 服务。Suzanne Knoebel, MD, MACC, 1982 至 1983 年担任主席,Pamela Douglas, MD, MACC, 2005 至 2006 年。 在我作为 ACC 主席的旅行中,我很高兴见到并结识这些才华横溢的女性(图 1),我请他们中的一些人分享他们的旅程、他们对领导力的看法,以及他们对寻求领导角色的女性的建议。我希望她们的评论能激励其他女性在她们的社会和其他场所寻求领导力,这样很快就会有这么多女性领导,我们将停止计数。我很高兴见到并结识了这些才华横溢的女性(图 1),我还请她们中的一些人分享了她们的旅程、她们对领导力的看法以及她们对寻求领导角色的女性的建议。我希望她们的评论能激励其他女性在她们的社会和其他场所寻求领导力,这样很快就会有这么多女性领导,我们将停止计数。我很高兴见到并结识了这些才华横溢的女性(图 1),我还请她们中的一些人分享了她们的旅程、她们对领导力的看法以及她们对寻求领导角色的女性的建议。我希望她们的评论能激励其他女性在她们的社会和其他场所寻求领导力,这样很快就会有这么多女性领导,我们将停止计数。