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Inclusive technologies, selective traditions: a socio-material case study of crowdfunded book publishing
Journal of Information Technology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1057/s41265-017-0041-y
Rob Gleasure 1 , Philip O'Reilly 1 , Michael Cahalane 2

The number and scale of crowdfunding platforms has increased dramatically in recent years, arguably more so than any other open phenomenon. This increase has allowed several crowdfunding websites to capture significant public attention, e.g. Kickstarter, Indiegogo. Yet, the growth of these specialist websites is only one aspect of the increasing popularity of crowdfunding technologies. Another, less-commonly discussed development is the propagation and integration of crowdfunding technologies into novel hybrid or proprietary production contexts, such as t-shirts (e.g. Threadless) or video games (e.g. Star Citizen). Such integrations are to be expected as crowdfunding technologies grow and evolve. However, they also present new challenges for managers and system designers, as the manner in which different features of crowdfunding technologies are enacted becomes decreasingly predictable the more their application domains diverge. This study performs a socio-material case study of Unbound, an innovative book publisher based in the UK. Unbound uses crowdfunding technologies to help authors raise the funding necessary to publish their books. However, once this funding has been reached, Unbound assumes more typical publisher responsibilities, such as editing, printing, binding, shipping, and promoting these books. Findings from Unbound identify four categories of socio-material practices in this hybrid model, each of which contains multiple sub-practices enacting different material features. This includes practices for fundraising, practices for maintaining traditional publishing standards, practices for creative contribution by backers, and practices for motivations. Further, tensions are observed for each of these categories of practices, due to the conflicting demands for inclusivity and selectivity associated with crowdfunding and publishing, respectively.



近年来,众筹平台的数量和规模急剧增加,可以说比任何其他开放现象都要多。这一增长使得一些众筹网站吸引了公众的极大关注,例如 Kickstarter、Indiegogo。然而,这些专业网站的增长只是众筹技术日益流行的一个方面。另一个不太常见的发展是众筹技术的传播和集成到新颖的混合或专有生产环境中,例如 T 恤(例如 Threadless)或视频游戏(例如 Star Citizen)。随着众筹技术的发展和发展,这种集成是可以预期的。然而,它们也给管理者和系统设计者带来了新的挑战,随着众筹技术的不同特征的实现方式变得越来越难以预测,它们的应用领域越发分歧。本研究对 Unbound 进行了社会材料案例研究,Unbound 是一家总部位于英国的创新图书出版商。Unbound 使用众筹技术帮助作者筹集出版书籍所需的资金。但是,一旦达到这笔资金,Unbound 将承担更多典型的出版商职责,例如编辑、印刷、装订、运输和推广这些书籍。Unbound 的调查结果在这个混合模型中确定了四类社会物质实践,每一种都包含多个子实践,它们表现出不同的物质特征。这包括筹款实践、维护传统出版标准的实践、支持者创造性贡献的实践,以及动机实践。此外,由于对分别与众筹和出版相关的包容性和选择性的相互冲突的要求,每类实践都观察到了紧张局势。