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Accretion Disks and Coronae in the X-Ray Flashlight
Space Science Reviews ( IF 9.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s11214-017-0448-3
Nathalie Degenaar , David R. Ballantyne , Tomaso Belloni , Manoneeta Chakraborty , Yu-Peng Chen , Long Ji , Peter Kretschmar , Erik Kuulkers , Jian Li , Thomas J. Maccarone , Julien Malzac , Shu Zhang , Shuang-Nan Zhang

Plasma accreted onto the surface of a neutron star can ignite due to unstable thermonuclear burning and produce a bright flash of X-ray emission called a Type-I X-ray burst. Such events are very common; thousands have been observed to date from over a hundred accreting neutron stars. The intense, often Eddington-limited, radiation generated in these thermonuclear explosions can have a discernible effect on the surrounding accretion flow that consists of an accretion disk and a hot electron corona. Type-I X-ray bursts can therefore serve as direct, repeating probes of the internal dynamics of the accretion process. In this work we review and interpret the observational evidence for the impact that Type-I X-ray bursts have on accretion disks and coronae. We also provide an outlook of how to make further progress in this research field with prospective experiments and analysis techniques, and by exploiting the technical capabilities of the new and concept X-ray missions ASTROSAT, NICER, Insight-HXMT, eXTP, and STROBE-X.


X 射线手电筒中的吸积盘和日冕

由于不稳定的热核燃烧,吸积到中子星表面的等离子体会点燃,并产生明亮的 X 射线发射闪光,称为 I 型 X 射线爆发。此类事件非常普遍;迄今为止,已经从一百多颗吸积中子星中观测到了数千颗。在这些热核爆炸中产生的强烈的、通常受爱丁顿限制的辐射可以对周围由吸积盘和热电子日冕组成的吸积流产生明显的影响。因此,I 型 X 射线爆发可以作为对吸积过程内部动力学的直接、重复探测。在这项工作中,我们回顾并解释了 I 型 X 射线爆发对吸积盘和日冕的影响的观测证据。