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Influence of body size, metabolic rate and life history stage on the uptake and excretion of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) by invasive sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus)
Aquatic Toxicology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2017.10.020
Laura R. Tessier , Tristan A.F. Long , Michael P. Wilkie

Invasive sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) are controlled in the Great Lakes using the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), which is applied to streams infested with larval lamprey. However, lamprey that survive treatments (residuals) remain a challenge because they may subsequently undergo metamorphosis into parasitic juvenile animals that migrate downstream to the Great Lakes, where they feed on important sport and commercial fishes. The goal of this study was to determine if body size and life stage could potentially influence sea lamprey tolerance to TFM by influencing patterns of TFM uptake and elimination. Because mass specific rates of oxygen consumption (M˙O2) are lower in larger compared to smaller lamprey, we predicted that TFM uptake would be negatively correlated to body size, suggesting that large larvae would be more tolerant to TFM exposure. Accordingly, TFM uptake and M˙O2 were measured in larvae ranging in size from 0.2–4.2 g using radio-labelled TFM (14C-TFM) and static respirometry. Both were inversely proportional to wet mass (M), and could be described usingthe allometric power relationship: Y = aMb, in which M˙O2 = 1.86 M0.53 and TFM Uptake = 7.24 M0.34. We also predicted that body size would extend to rates of TFM elimination, which was measured following the administration of 14C-TFM (via intraperitoneal injection). However, there were no differences in the half-lives of elimination of TFM (T 1/2-TFM). There were also no differences in M˙O2 or TFM uptake amongst size-matched larval, metamorphosing (stages 6–7), or post-metamorphic (juvenile) sea lamprey. However, the T1/2-TFM was significantly lower in larval than post-metamorphic lamprey (juvenile), indicating the larval lamprey cleared TFM more efficiently than juvenile lamprey. We conclude that larger larval sea lamprey are more likely to survive TFM treatments suggesting that body size might be an important variable to consider when treating streams with TFM to control these invasive species.


体形,代谢率和生活史阶段对侵袭性海七lamp(Petromyzon marinus)摄取和排泄灭草剂3-三氟甲基-4-硝基苯酚(TFM)的影响

在五大湖地区,使用杀虫剂3-三氟甲基-4-硝基苯酚(TFM)控制侵袭性海七lamp鱼(Petromyzon marinus),将其应用于幼虫七lamp鱼侵染的溪流。但是,能够在处理后存活的七lamp鳗(残留物)仍然是一个挑战,因为它们可能随后会变质为寄生的幼小动物,然后向下游迁移到大湖地区,在那里他们以重要的运动和商业鱼类为食。这项研究的目的是确定体重和生命阶段是否可能通过影响TFM的摄取和消除方式来影响海鳗对TFM的耐受性。因为氧气的质量比速率(中号˙Ø2个)在较大的情况下比在较小的七lamp树中要低,我们预测TFM的摄入量与体型呈负相关,这表明大的幼虫对TFM的耐受性更高。因此,TFM的吸收和中号˙Ø2个使用放射性标记的TFM(14 C-TFM)和静态呼吸测定法对幼虫的大小进行了测量,大小在0.2–4.2 g之间。两者均与湿质量(M)成反比,并且可以使用异速幂关系来描述:Y  =  aM b,其中中号˙Ø2个 =  1.86 M 0.53TFM摄取 =  7.24 M 0.34。我们还预测,人体大小将扩展至TFM消除率,这是在施用14 C-TFM(通过腹膜内注射)后测量的。但是,消除TFM(T 1/2 -TFM)的半衰期没有差异。也没有任何区别中号˙Ø2个或在大小匹配的幼虫,变态(阶段6-7)或变态后(幼年)海七rey鱼中摄取TFM。但是,幼虫中的T 1/2 -TFM显着低于变态后的七叶树(幼虫),这表明幼虫的七叶树比幼年的七叶树更有效地清除了TFM。我们得出的结论是,较大的幼体海七lamp鱼更可能在TFM处理中存活下来,这表明,在用TFM处理溪流以控制这些入侵物种时,体型可能是要考虑的重要变量。
