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Process integration study of tail-end Ca-Looping process for CO2 capture in cement plants
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2017.10.005
E. De Lena , M. Spinelli , I. Martínez , M. Gatti , R. Scaccabarozzi , G. Cinti , M.C. Romano

In this work, the integration of Calcium looping (CaL) process into a cement plant for post-combustion CO2 capture is assessed via process simulations. In the proposed scheme, the carbonator of the CaL process is used as an end-of-pipe unit to capture the CO2 from the cement kiln gas.

From the results obtained, it is demonstrated that CO2 capture efficiencies of the order of 90% are achievable, with CaL reactors operating in conditions not far from those demonstrated for application in power plants. The integration of the tail-end CaL process results in a significant increase of the total fuel consumption (about two to three times higher) compared to the benchmark cement plant without CO2 capture. On the other hand, the heat from the CaL process can be recovered by a steam cycle producing decarbonized electric power that may exceed the needs of the plant auxiliaries (including the ASU and the CO2 compression and purification unit), exporting in this way electricity to the grid and so resulting in CO2 emission credits from a life cycle perspective. The resulting specific primary energy consumption for CO2 avoided (SPECCA) highly depends on the reference power generation technology considered, and it ranges between 2.7 and 3.7 MJLHV/kgCO2 in a coal-fired power generation scenario.

As for the retrofittability of existing cement plants, the operation of the suspension preheating tower after the implementation of the CaL unit, as well as the position of the CaL carbonator with respect to the raw mill, have been assessed. Based on the results obtained, no critical issues have been found from a technical point of view in the adoption of the tail-end CaL process in existing cement kilns.


尾部Ca-Looping工艺对水泥厂CO 2捕集的工艺集成研究

在这项工作中,通过过程模拟评估了将钙环化(CaL)过程集成到水泥厂中以进行燃烧后CO 2捕集的过程。在提出的方案中,将CaL工艺的碳酸化器用作管道末端单元,以从水泥窑气体中捕获CO 2

从获得的结果证明,用CaL反应器在与证明用于电厂的条件相距不远的条件下运行,可以实现大约90%的CO 2捕集效率。与没有捕获CO 2的基准水泥厂相比,尾部CaL工艺的集成导致总燃料消耗显着增加(高出约2至3倍)。另一方面,CaL工艺产生的热量可以通过蒸汽循环进行回收,该蒸汽循环产生的脱碳电力可能会超过工厂辅助设备(包括ASU和CO 2压缩和净化装置)的需求,并以此方式输出电力到电网,从而导致CO 2从生命周期的角度看待排放信用。所产生的避免的CO 2单位比能耗(SPECCA)在很大程度上取决于所考虑的参考发电技术,在燃煤发电的情况下,其消耗范围为2.7至3.7 MJ LHV / kg CO2

