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Aspects on mediated glucose oxidation at a supported cubic phase
Bioelectrochemistry ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2017.06.010
Mahdi Shahmohammadi Aghbolagh , Mohammad Yaser Khani Meynaq , Kenichi Shimizu , Britta Lindholm-Sethson

A supported liquid crystalline cubic phase housing glucose oxidase on an electrode surface has been suggested as bio-anode in a biofuel. The purpose of this investigation is to clarify some aspect on the mediated enzymatic oxidation of glucose in such a bio-anode where the mediator ferrocene-carboxylic acid and glucose were dissolved in the solution. The enzyme glucose oxidase was housed in the water channels of the mono-olein cubic phase.

The system was investigated with cyclic voltammetry at different scan rates and the temperature was varied between 15 °C and 30 °C. The diffusion coefficient of the mediator and also the film resistance was estimated showing a large decrease in the mass-transport properties as the temperature was decreased. The current from mediated oxidation of glucose at the electrode surface increased with decreasing film thickness.

The transport of the mediator in the cubic phase was the rate-limiting step in the overall reaction, where the oxidation of glucose took place at the outer surface of the cubic phase.





