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Participant Satisfaction with a Food Benefit Program with Restrictions and Incentives
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2017.08.010
Sarah A. Rydell , Rachael M. Turner , Tessa A. Lasswell , Simone A. French , J. Michael Oakes , Brian Elbel , Lisa J. Harnack

BACKGROUND Policy makers are considering changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Proposed changes include financially incentivizing the purchase of healthier foods and prohibiting the use of funds for purchasing foods high in added sugars. SNAP participant perspectives may be useful in understanding the consequences of these proposed changes. OBJECTIVE To determine whether food restrictions and/or incentives are acceptable to food benefit program participants. DESIGN Data were collected as part of an experimental trial in which lower-income adults were randomly assigned to one of four financial food benefit conditions: (1) Incentive: 30% financial incentive on eligible fruits and vegetables purchased using food benefits; (2) Restriction: not allowed to buy sugar-sweetened beverages, sweet baked goods, or candies with food benefits; (3) Incentive plus Restriction; or (4) Control: no incentive/restriction. Participants completed closed- and open-ended questions about their perceptions on completion of the 12-week program. PARTICIPANTS/SETTING Adults eligible or nearly eligible for SNAP were recruited between 2013 and 2015 by means of events or flyers in the Minneapolis/St Paul, MN, metropolitan area. Of the 279 individuals who completed baseline measures, 265 completed follow-up measures and are included in these analyses. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS χ2 analyses were conducted to assess differences in program satisfaction. Responses to open-ended questions were qualitatively analyzed using principles of content analysis. RESULTS There were no statistically significant or meaningful differences between experimental groups in satisfaction with the program elements evaluated in the study. Most participants in all conditions found the food program helpful in buying nutritious foods (94.1% to 98.5%) and in buying the kinds of foods they wanted (85.9% to 95.6%). Qualitative data suggested that most were supportive of restrictions, although a few were dissatisfied. Participants were uniformly supportive of incentives. CONCLUSIONS Findings suggest a food benefit program that includes incentives for purchasing fruits and vegetables and/or restrictions on the use of program funds for purchasing foods high in added sugars appears to be acceptable to most participants.



背景政策制定者正在考虑更改补充营养援助计划 (SNAP)。提议的变化包括在财政上激励人们购买更健康的食品,并禁止使用资金购买高添加糖食品。SNAP 参与者的观点可能有助于理解这些提议更改的后果。目的 确定食品福利计划参与者是否可以接受食品限制和/或激励措施。设计数据是作为实验性试验的一部分收集的,在该试验中,低收入成年人被随机分配到以下四种经济食品福利条件之一:(1)激励:对使用食品福利购买的符合条件的水果和蔬菜给予 30% 的经济激励;(2) 限制:不准购买含糖饮料、甜烘焙食品、或具有食品益处的糖果;(3) 激励加限制;(4) 控制:无激励/限制。参与者完成了关于他们对完成 12 周计划的看法的封闭式和开放式问题。参与者/环境 在 2013 年至 2015 年期间,通过在明尼阿波利斯/明尼苏达州圣保罗大都市区的活动或传单招募了符合或几乎符合 SNAP 条件的成年人。在完成基线测量的 279 人中,有 265 人完成了后续测量并被包括在这些分析中。统计分析 进行χ2 分析以评估项目满意度的差异。使用内容分析原则对开放式问题的回答进行定性分析。结果 在对研究中评估的项目要素的满意度方面,实验组之间没有统计学上的显着或有意义的差异。所有条件下的大多数参与者都发现食品计划有助于购买营养食品(94.1% 至 98.5%)和购买他们想要的食物种类(85.9% 至 95.6%)。定性数据表明,尽管少数人不满意,但大多数人支持限制。参与者一致支持激励措施。结论 调查结果表明,包括鼓励购买水果和蔬菜和/或限制使用计划资金购买高添加糖食品在内的食品福利计划似乎为大多数参与者所接受。所有条件下的大多数参与者都发现食品计划有助于购买营养食品(94.1% 至 98.5%)和购买他们想要的食物种类(85.9% 至 95.6%)。定性数据表明,尽管少数人不满意,但大多数人支持限制。参与者一致支持激励措施。结论 调查结果表明,包括鼓励购买水果和蔬菜和/或限制使用计划资金购买高添加糖食品的食品福利计划似乎对大多数参与者来说是可以接受的。所有条件下的大多数参与者都发现食品计划有助于购买营养食品(94.1% 至 98.5%)和购买他们想要的食物种类(85.9% 至 95.6%)。定性数据表明,尽管少数人不满意,但大多数人支持限制。参与者一致支持激励措施。结论 调查结果表明,包括鼓励购买水果和蔬菜和/或限制使用计划资金购买高添加糖食品的食品福利计划似乎对大多数参与者来说是可以接受的。