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Cost-Effectiveness of Individualized Management of Diabetes Among U.S. Adults.
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-12 , DOI: 10.7326/p17-9050

What is the problem and what is known about it so far?

Hemoglobin is a protein inside red blood cells that helps carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Glucose (sugar) in the blood slowly attaches to hemoglobin to form hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c). The more glucose in the blood, the more HbA1c is formed. As a result, the percentage of hemoglobin that is HbA1c reflects the average value for blood sugar during the previous 2 to 3 months. The American Diabetes Association encourages people to use the percentage of HbA1c to keep track of how well their diabetes is being controlled, and until recently doctors would tell people to aim for a target of 7%. But, when everyone has the same target, some people have blood sugar values that are too high and others have values that are too low. As a result, many doctors now increase or decrease the target according to the person's age, medical history, and remaining years of life and how likely they are to have very low blood sugar, which is especially dangerous.

Why did the researchers do this particular study?

No one knows how much it costs to use different HbA1c targets for different people instead of using the same target for everyone.

Who was studied?

People with type 2 diabetes who represented all such people in the United States.

How was the study done?

The researchers created a computer model that combined existing information about the frequency of problems with existing information about how much it costs to treat those problems. The researchers then used the model to predict what problems people might have in the future, how long they would live, and how much it would cost to provide their care.

What did the researchers find?

Using different targets for different people led to fewer medications, less expensive care, and a slightly shorter length of life but a slightly higher quality of life.

What were the limitations of the study?

Younger people who don't mind taking a lot of medications might be better off with an HbA1c target of 7%.

What are the implications of the study?

If individualized HbA1c targets are used more often, people will take fewer medications and will have less expensive care and better quality of life.




血红蛋白是红细胞中的一种蛋白质,有助于将氧气从肺部运送到身体的其他部位。血液中的葡萄糖(糖)缓慢附着在血红蛋白上,形成血红蛋白A 1c(HbA 1c)。血液中的葡萄糖越多,形成的HbA 1c就越多。结果,HbA 1c的血红蛋白百分比反映了前2到3个月的血糖平均值。美国糖尿病协会鼓励人们使用HbA 1c的百分比跟踪糖尿病的控制状况,直到最近,医生还告诉人们将目标设定为7%。但是,当每个人都有相同的目标时,有些人的血糖值过高,而另一些人的血糖值过低。结果,许多医生现在根据人的年龄,病史和剩余寿命以及他们可能会产生非常低的血糖的可能性来增加或减少目标,这特别危险。


没有人知道为不同的人使用不同的HbA 1c目标而不是为所有人使用相同的目标要花多少钱。








HbA 1c目标为7%,不介意服用大量药物的年轻人可能会更好。


如果更多地使用个性化的HbA 1c靶标,人们将减少用药,并且将减少昂贵的护理和更好的生活质量。