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Vibronic Ground-State Degeneracies and the Berry Phase: A Continuous Symmetry Perspective
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-28 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b02592
Raphael F. Ribeiro 1 , Joel Yuen-Zhou 1

We develop a geometric construction to prove the inevitability of the electronic ground-state (adiabatic) Berry phase for a class of Jahn–Teller (JT) models with maximal continuous symmetries and N > 2 intersecting electronic states. Given that vibronic ground-state degeneracy in JT models may be seen as a consequence of the electronic Berry phase and that any JT problem may be obtained from the subset that we investigate in this Letter by symmetry-breaking, our arguments reveal the fundamental origin of the vibronic ground-state degeneracy of JT models.



我们开发了一种几何结构,以证明一类具有最大连续对称性和N > 2相交电子态的Jahn-Teller(JT)模型的电子基态(绝热)Berry相的必然性。鉴于JT模型中的振动基态简并性可以看作是电子Berry阶段的结果,并且任何JT问题都可以从我们在本信中通过对称破坏研究的子集中获得,我们的论点揭示了JT模型的振动基态简并性。