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Evolution of Sucrose Metabolism: The Dichotomy of Invertases and Beyond
Trends in Plant Science ( IF 20.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tplants.2017.11.001
Hongjian Wan , Limin Wu , Yuejian Yang , Guozhi Zhou , Yong-Ling Ruan

In higher plants, invertases hydrolyze sucrose (Suc), the major end product of photosynthesis, into glucose (Glc) and fructose (Fru), which are used as nutrients, energy sources, and signaling molecules for plant growth, yield formation, and stress responses. The invertase enzymes, named CWINs, VINs, and CINs, are located in the cell wall, vacuole, and cytosol, respectively. We hypothesize, based on their distinctive subcellular locations and physiological roles, that invertases may have undergone different modes during evolution with important functional implications. Here, we provide phylogenetic and functional genomic evidence that CINs are evolutionarily and functionally more stable compared with CWINs and VINs, possibly reflecting their roles in maintaining cytosolic sugar homeostasis for cellular function, and that CWINs have coevolved with the vasculature, likely as a functional component of phloem unloading.



