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Annals for Hospitalists - 21 November 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-21 , DOI: 10.7326/afho201711210
David H. Wesorick 1 , Vineet Chopra 1

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Inpatient Notes

The Other Catheter—the Mighty Peripheral IV

—Claire M. Rickard, RN, PhD, and Nicole M. Marsh, RN, MAppPrac (HealthRes)
The peripheral intravenous catheter is one of the most important and prevalent medical devices in the hospital, so why have quality improvement efforts neglected this device? The authors of this issue's Inpatient Notes argue that it's time to improve this staple of inpatient care.

Highlights of Recent Articles From Annals of Internal Medicine

In the Clinic: Acute Kidney Injury

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:ITC66-ITC80. doi:AITC201711070
In this narrative review article, the authors provide an overview of the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI).
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • Acute kidney injury occurs in about 20% of hospitalized patients, most commonly in older patients and those with underlying chronic kidney disease. About 10% of hospitalized patients with AKI require renal replacement therapy.

  • There are many causes of AKI in hospitalized patients. Reduced renal perfusion (e.g., volume depletion, sepsis, and heart or liver failure) is a common cause of AKI in patients presenting for hospital admission. Acute tubular necrosis is the most common hospital-acquired cause.

  • Medications can lead to AKI by causing acute tubular necrosis (e.g., radiocontrast, aminoglycosides, vancomycin, amphotericin B, cisplatin, carboplatin, iphosphamide), interstitial nephritis (e.g., β-lactams, sulfonamides), crystal nephropathy (e.g., methotrexate, acyclovir), or other insults (e.g., nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, angiotensin–converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin–receptor blockers, calcineurin inhibitors).

  • Although loop diuretics can increase urine output in some cases of AKI, they do not seem to decrease mortality, the need for renal replacement therapy, or the time to renal recovery.

Diagnostic Accuracy of Screening Tests and Treatment for Post—Acute Coronary Syndrome Depression: A Systematic Review

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:725-735. Published 14 November 2017. doi:10.7326/M17-1811
This systematic review (an update to a 2005 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality review) analyzed 6 observational studies of screening for post–acute coronary syndrome (ACS) depression, and 4 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for treatment of post-ACS depression. The review shows that available depression screening tools exhibit acceptable sensitivity, specificity, and negative predictive value in this population, although positive predictive values are low. Three of 4 studies of treatment showed a decrease in depressive symptoms with medications, psychotherapy, or both, although the clinical significance of the improvements was thought to be relatively minor.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • Major depressive disorder is common after ACS, affecting up to 20% of patients. An even greater percentage of these patients have less-severe depression. Hospitalists should be on the lookout for this disorder.

  • Existing depression screening tools seem to function adequately in this population, and treatment methods (such as medication and psychotherapy) do have a favorable effect on psychosocial outcomes. There is no evidence that these interventions improve cardiovascular outcomes.

  • There is no evidence that screening for depression in this population improves outcomes, and guidelines differ on whether they do or do not recommend it.

Predicting 30-Day Mortality for Patients With Acute Heart Failure in the Emergency Department: A Cohort Study

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:698-705. Published 3 October 2017. doi:10.7326/M16-2726
In this prospective cohort study, investigators analyzed clinical variables and 30-day mortality in patients presenting to 34 Spanish emergency departments with acute heart failure in order to derive (4867 patients) and validate (3229 patients) a risk score to predict 30-day mortality. The resulting model used 13 clinical variables (including age, vital signs, laboratory values, and the Barthel index score) to stratify risk for 30-day mortality and achieved good discrimination (a mortality rate of <2% with scores in the lowest 2 quintiles vs. a mortality rate of 45% for those with scores in the highest decile). The c-statistic in the validation group was 0.828, indicating good model performance.
Key points for hospitalists include:
  • The authors suggest that clinical decisions in patients with acute heart failure (e.g., deciding which patients require hospital admission) are often made without any formal risk assessment, resulting in an inability to match the intensity of care to the risk for mortality.

  • The model described in this paper appears to have good discrimination of risk in this population and may allow clinicians to better estimate mortality risk in patients with acute heart failure.

  • An accompanying editorial suggests that the model will require further validation in diverse populations. If it is able to identify a large group of low-risk patients presenting to the emergency department, the next challenge may be understanding how to best manage these patients outside of the hospital.

The Latest Highlights From ACP Journal Club

Are antibiotics beneficial after incision and drainage of a small abscess?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC39. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-8-039
This study randomly assigned 786 children and adults with small skin abscesses (≤5 cm in diameter in adults, smaller in children) and without fever, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, or immunocompromise to receive clindamycin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), or placebo for 10 days after incision and drainage of the abscess. Either treatment resulted in statistically significantly higher clinical cure rates than placebo at 7 to 10 days (clindamycin, 83%; TMP-SMX, 82%; placebo, 69%) and at 30 days (clindamycin, 79%; TMP-SMX, 73%; placebo, 63%). Clindamycin use was associated with significantly higher rates of diarrhea than TMP-SMX or placebo.

Is it beneficial to add TMP-SMX to cephalexin when treating nonpurulent cellulitis?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC40. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-8-040
In this study, 500 adults with cellulitis, without abscess or purulent drainage (confirmed by ultrasound evaluation), and without immunocompromise or intravenous drug use were randomly assigned to receive cephalexin plus TMP-SMX or cephalexin alone for 7 days. The addition of TMP-SMX did not improve outcomes, including rates of cure, hospitalization, or surgical procedures. These findings support the observation that Staphylococcus aureus is an uncommon cause of nonpurulent cellulitis.

Is triple therapy more effective than oseltamivir monotherapy for severe influenza infection?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC41. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-8-041
This RCT compared 30-day mortality in 217 adults (median age 80 to 82 years) who were hospitalized for severe influenza A infection with evidence of fever and chest infiltrate. Patients were randomly assigned to receive either triple therapy (clarithromycin, naproxen, and oseltamivir) or oseltamivir alone. Patients receiving triple therapy had significantly lower mortality at 30 days (0.9% vs. 8.2%, respectively) and 90 days (1.9% vs. 10%, respectively).

Does the long-term use of azithromycin improve outcomes in asthma with uncontrolled symptoms despite maintenance inhaler treatment?

Ann Intern Med. 2017;167:JC42. doi:10.7326/ACPJC-2017-167-8-042
This RCT examined 420 adult patients with symptomatic asthma despite the use of maintenance inhaled corticosteroids or long-acting bronchodilators. Patients were randomly assigned to either oral azithromycin (500 mg 3 times/wk) or placebo for 48 weeks. Patients receiving azithromycin had significantly fewer moderate and severe exacerbations (relative risk reduction, 25%; 95% CI, 10 to 38) and higher asthma-related quality-of-life scores (although the latter are of doubtful clinical significance). How azithromycin might compare with other adjunctive therapies for persistently symptomatic asthma (e.g., additional inhaled therapy, a leukotriene inhibitor, or a biologic) remains unclear and a topic of future inquiry.
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— RN,博士Claire M. Rickard和RN,MAppPrac(HealthRes)的Nicole M. Marsh



安实习生。2017; 167:ITC66-ITC80。doi:AITC201711070
  • 急性肾损伤发生在大约20%的住院患者中,最常见于老年患者和患有慢性肾脏疾病的患者。大约10%的AKI住院患者需要肾脏替代治疗。

  • 住院患者中AKI的病因很多。肾灌注减少(例如,容量减少,脓毒症以及心或肝衰竭)是就诊患者入院时AKI的常见原因。急性肾小管坏死是最常见的医院获得性病因。

  • 药物可引起急性肾小管坏死(例如,放射线造影剂,氨基糖苷类,万古霉素,两性霉素B,顺铂,卡铂,异磷酰胺),间质性肾炎(例如,β-内酰胺,磺酰胺),结晶性肾病(例如,甲氨蝶呤,无环鸟苷)导致AKI或其他侮辱(例如,非甾体类抗炎药,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,血管紧张素受体阻滞剂,钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂)。

  • 尽管在某些AKI病例中,loop利尿剂可以增加尿量,但它们似乎并未降低死亡率,肾脏替代疗法的需要或肾脏恢复的时间。


安实习生。2017; 167:725-735。2017年11月14日发布。doi:10.7326 / M17-1811
  • ACS后常见重度抑郁症,影响多达20%的患者。这些患者中有更大百分比的抑郁症程度较轻。住院医生应该注意这种疾病。

  • 现有的抑郁症筛查工具似乎在该人群中可以正常工作,治疗方法(例如药物治疗和心理治疗)确实会对心理社会后果产生有利影响。没有证据表明这些干预措施可以改善心血管疾病的预后。

  • 没有证据表明在该人群中进行抑郁症筛查可以改善预后,并且关于是否推荐该方法的指导原则也有所不同。


安实习生。2017; 167:698-705。2017年10月3日发布。doi:10.7326 / M16-2726
  • 作者认为,急性心力衰竭患者的临床决策(例如,确定哪些患者需要住院)通常没有任何正式的风险评估,从而导致护理强度无法与死亡风险相匹配。

  • 本文中描述的模型似乎可以很好地区分这一人群中的风险,并且可以使临床医生更好地估计急性心力衰竭患者的死亡风险。

  • 随附的社论认为,该模型将需要在不同人群中进行进一步验证。如果能够识别出急诊科中大量的低危患者,那么下一个挑战可能是了解如何在医院外最好地管理这些患者。

ACP Journal Club的最新亮点


安实习生。2017; 167:JC39。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-8-039
这项研究随机分配了786名患有小皮肤脓肿(成人直径≤5cm,儿童较小)且无发热,全身性炎症反应综合征或免疫功能低下的儿童和成人接受克林霉素,甲氧苄氨嘧啶-磺胺甲基异恶唑(TMP-SMX)或脓肿切开引流后安慰剂治疗10天。在7至10天(克林霉素,83%; TMP-SMX,82%;安慰剂,69%)和30天时(克林霉素,79%; TMP-SMX,73),两种治疗均在统计学上显着高于安慰剂。 %;安慰剂,63%)。克林霉素的使用与腹泻率明显高于TMP-SMX或安慰剂。


安实习生。2017; 167:JC40。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-8-040


安实习生。2017; 167:JC41。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-8-041


安实习生。2017; 167:JC42。doi:10.7326 / ACPJC-2017-167-8-042
尽管使用了维持性吸入糖皮质激素或长效支气管扩张药,该RCT仍对420例有症状哮喘的成年哮喘患者进行了检查。患者随机分配口服阿奇霉素(500 mg 3次/周)或安慰剂治疗48周。接受阿奇霉素的患者的中度和重度急性发作明显减少(相对危险度降低25%; 95%CI介于10至38),与哮喘相关的生活质量评分较高(尽管后者具有可疑的临床意义)。对于持续症状性哮喘(例如,额外的吸入疗法,白三烯抑制剂或生物制剂),阿奇霉素如何与其他辅助疗法比较尚不清楚,并且是未来研究的主题。