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Annals for Educators - 21 November 2017
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-21 , DOI: 10.7326/afed201711210
Darren B. Taichman

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Clinical Practice Points

Self-administered Versus Directly Observed Once-Weekly Isoniazid and Rifapentine Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection. A Randomized Trial

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Expanding treatment for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is important to decrease active disease globally. This study compared treatment completion and safety of self-administered once-weekly isoniazid and rifapentine versus direct observation.
Use this study to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners who should be screened for LTBI. How should screening be performed? What are the treatment options? Use the recent In the Clinic: Tuberculosis to help prepare your teaching session.

  • What are the risks and benefits of each directly observed and self-administered treatment for LTBI?

  • Do your learners believe they can identify patients in whom self-administered treatment would be appropriate? What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria for this randomized trial? Do they help guide you?

Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection: Differences in Prevalence Between Sexes and Concordance With Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection, NHANES 2011 to 2014

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The prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV)–positive oropharyngeal cancer is disproportionately high among men. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011 to 2014) were used to determine the prevalence of oral HPV infection and the concordance of oral and genital HPV infection among U.S. men and women. This information is critical for designing detection and prevention efforts.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners who is at increased risk for HPV infection. Is screening recommended? In whom, and how?

  • What are the potential complications of HPV infection?

  • Are your learners surprised by the prevalence estimates for HPV infection among men and women?

  • What are the recommendations for HPV vaccination? Consult the most recent statement from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Until what age are men and women to receive vaccination? Might the data from this study be useful in assessing the appropriateness of current recommendations?

Annals for Hospitalists Inpatient Notes - The Other Catheter—the Mighty Peripheral IV

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Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) are among the most important and prevalent medical devices in the hospital. However, they have received limited attention in the context of patient safety and health care quality. Substantial attention has been paid to the 3 million central venous catheters placed annually in the United States. The author discusses the relatively limited attention paid to the more than 350 million PIVCs placed.
Use this paper to:
  • Ask your learners what your hospital's policy is on the need for PIVCs in inpatients. Are they required for everyone? Are they routinely changed after a set number of days, or only when they are nonfunctional?

  • Does everyone need a PIVC? Are they harmless?

  • Do your learners think current practice could be improved? What changes would they consider? What additional information would be desired before making a change? Can your learners propose practical means to gather this information or to study a change in practice?

Working in Our Health Care System

Novel Metrics for Improving Professional Fulfillment

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Myriad financial, quality, and service metrics pervade the professional lives of ambulatory care providers. These include measurements from the electronic health record (EHR), which include practice efficiency scores that create a window on the clinician's workflow. In this article, the authors propose a set of EHR-related metrics that provide further insight into the clinician experience.
Use this paper to:
  • Ask your learners whether they like or dislike using your system's EHR.

  • What are the potential benefits of using an EHR? What are the risks to patients and the burdens on health care providers? Can your learners propose ways to minimize or eliminate these risks and burdens?

  • Do your learners think the “metrics” proposed by the authors of this paper would be useful? What needs to be agreed on regarding how a metric will be used before it is worth measuring it?

  • Invite a member of your hospital's administration who is responsible for EHR implementation to join your discussion. Ask what metrics your system uses to evaluate how well your EHR functions. Do your learners believe the right areas are being scrutinized?

Video Learning

Annals Consult Guys - Fasting Before Anesthesia: A Cappuccino on Call?

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Howard and Geno (the Consult Guys) help decide whether a procedure requiring anesthesia may proceed after a patient drank a cappuccino.
Use this feature to:
  • Take a relaxing and educational break with your learners and watch this 10-minute video.

  • Ask your learners what the policy is regarding fasting before procedures at your center. What are these policies based on? What are the risks of having food or liquid before anesthesia, and how long do they last?

  • Answer the multiple-choice questions with your team. Log on and submit your own answers to earn CME/MOC credit for yourself.

Humanism and Professionalism

On Being a Doctor: 2:32 a.m.

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Dr. Waxman notes that the rewards of helping a patient in the middle of the night come at a price to his family.
Use this essay to:
  • Listen to an audio recording of the essay, read by Dr. Michael LaCombe.

  • Ask your learners if they resent when time caring for patients takes away from time with family and friends. How do they deal with this resentment? Does patient care seem like an inconvenience?

  • Do any of your learners have children? Do they think the pressures are different in this situation? What other unique situations do your learners face?

  • How do we balance work and family responsibilities?

  • Do we talk to our family and friends about these challenges? Do they understand?

MKSAP 17 Question

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A 30-year-old woman is evaluated for a reactive tuberculin skin test (TST). She developed 6-mm induration 48 hours after the test was performed. She has no fever, weight loss, or cough, and cannot recall any exposure to tuberculosis. Medical history is notable for psoriasis diagnosed 10 years ago. Her only medication is infliximab. A TST result was negative before initiation of therapy.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal. Stable plaque psoriasis is noted. The lungs are clear, and the remainder of the examination is normal.
Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?
A. Chest radiography
B. Interferon-γ release assay
C. Rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol
D. No further intervention
Correct Answer
A. Chest radiography
Educational Objective
Manage a reactive tuberculin skin test in an immunosuppressed patient.
This patient should undergo chest radiography to exclude active tuberculosis infection. The patient is asymptomatic and is taking infliximab, a tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor, for management of her psoriasis. A tuberculin skin test (TST) reaction of 5-mm or larger induration is interpreted as positive in patients who are immunosuppressed, including those who are taking tumor necrosis factor α inhibitors or the equivalent of at least 15 mg/d of prednisone for 1 month or longer. Other patients for whom 5-mm or larger induration is considered positive include patients with HIV infection, organ transplants, and fibrotic changes on chest radiograph consistent with old tuberculosis, and recent contacts of a person with active tuberculosis. If the chest radiograph is negative, treatment for latent tuberculosis infection, usually consisting of daily isoniazid with pyridoxine (vitamin B6) for 9 months, is recommended to decrease the risk for progression to active disease.
Testing with both the TST and interferon-γ release assay is not routinely recommended. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, using both tests may be helpful when the result of the initial test is positive and additional validation of infection is required before recommended treatment is initiated, such as in health care professionals who previously received the bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine or patients at low risk for infection and progression to active disease. Conversely, both tests may be helpful when the result of the initial test is negative and the risk for infection, active disease, and a poor outcome is increased, such as in patients infected with HIV or children younger than 5 years who have been exposed to a patient with active tuberculosis. Using both tests also may be helpful when the result of the initial test is negative but symptoms, signs, or imaging results are suspicious for TB and evidence of infection with M. tuberculosis is being sought. Because this patient does not fit into one of these categories, interferon-γ release assay would not be indicated.
Rifampin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol would be recommended as initial therapy for a patient with active tuberculosis. This patient has no symptoms of active infection. Unless the chest radiograph suggests active tuberculosis, beginning four-drug antituberculous therapy is not indicated and would not be appropriate before further evaluation.
No additional intervention, including evaluation or therapy, would be inappropriate for this patient. Although she is asymptomatic, she is at risk for active tuberculosis if untreated for latent tuberculosis infection.
Key Point
Patients who have a positive reaction to tuberculin skin testing should be further evaluated by chest radiography to rule out active tuberculosis infection.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers. Updated November 26, 2014. Accessed July 21, 2015.
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  • 从选择题开始教学。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者,谁应该接受LTBI筛查。应该如何进行筛查?有哪些治疗选择?使用最新的《临床:结核病》来帮助您准备教学课程。

  • 每种直接观察和自我管理的LTBI治疗的风险和收益是什么?

  • 您的学习者是否相信他们可以确定适合自我治疗的患者?这项随机试验的纳入和排除标准是什么?他们会帮助您吗?

口腔人乳头瘤病毒感染:性别之间的差异以及生殖器人乳头瘤病毒感染的一致性,NHANES 2011年至2014年

  • 询问您的学习者,哪些人感染HPV的风险增加。推荐筛查吗?在谁身上,怎么做?

  • HPV感染的潜在并发症有哪些?

  • 您的学习者是否对男性和女性中HPV感染的流行程度感到惊讶?

  • HPV疫苗接种有哪些建议?请查阅免疫实践咨询委员会的最新声明。男性和女性在几岁之前都可以接种疫苗?这项研究的数据对评估当前建议的适当性是否有用?


  • 询问您的学习者,医院对住院PIVC的需求有何政策。每个人都需要它们吗?它们是否会在设定的天数后进行例行更改,或者仅在它们不起作用时才进行更改?

  • 每个人都需要PIVC吗?他们无害吗?

  • 您的学习者认为当前的做法可以改善吗?他们会考虑哪些变化?进行更改之前,还需要什么其他信息?您的学习者能否提出实用的方法来收集这些信息或研究实践中的变化?



  • 询问您的学习者他们是否喜欢使用系统的EHR。

  • 使用电子病历的潜在好处是什么?对患者有哪些风险以及对医疗保健提供者的负担?您的学习者能否提出减少或消除这些风险和负担的方法?

  • 您的学习者认为本文作者提出的“指标”是否有用?在衡量指标值得使用之前,需要就如何使用该指标达成共识?

  • 邀请负责EHR实施的医院行政管理人员加入您的讨论。询问系统使用什么指标来评估EHR的功能。您的学习者是否相信对正确的领域进行了审查?



  • 与您的学习者一起度过轻松而有趣的假期,并观看这段10分钟的视频。

  • 在您的中心进行检查之前,先询问您的学习者关于禁食的政策是什么。这些政策基于什么?麻醉前食用食物或液体的风险有多大,持续时间多长?

  • 与您的团队回答多项选择题。登录并提交自己的答案,以自己赚取CME / MOC积分。



  • 收听迈克尔·拉康姆(Michael LaCombe)博士朗读的论文录音。

  • 询问您的学习者,他们在照顾患者的时间与家人和朋友在一起时是否感到不满。他们如何处理这种怨恨?病人护理似乎给您带来不便吗?

  • 您的任何学习者有孩子吗?他们是否认为这种情况下的压力有所不同?您的学习者还面临其他哪些特殊情况?

  • 我们如何平衡工作和家庭责任?

  • 我们是否与家人和朋友谈论这些挑战?他们懂吗?

MKSAP 17问题

该患者应进行胸部X光检查以排除活动性结核感染。该患者无症状,正在服用英夫利昔单抗(一种肿瘤坏死因子α抑制剂)来治疗其牛皮癣。免疫抑制的患者(包括正在服用肿瘤坏死因子α抑制剂或等效的泼尼松至少15 mg / d的患者)的5毫米或更大硬度的结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)反应被解释为阳性或更长。其他5毫米或更大硬结阳性的患者包括HIV感染,器官移植和胸部X光片上与旧结核病相一致的纤维化变化,以及活动性结核病患者最近的接触。如果胸部X光片阴性,请治疗潜伏性结核感染,6)建议持续9个月,以降低发展为活动性疾病的风险。
不建议同时使用TST和干扰素-γ释放试验进行测试。根据疾病控制与预防中心的说法,如果初始检测结果为阳性并且在开始建议的治疗之前还需要对感染进行进一步验证,例如在以前接受过卡介苗的卫生保健专业人员中,使用这两种检测方法可能会有所帮助。 -格林疫苗或感染和进展为活动性疾病风险低的患者。相反,当初始检测结果为阴性并且感染,活动性疾病和不良结局的风险增加时,例如在感染了HIV的患者或5岁以下的儿童中,这两种检测都可能会有所帮助患有活动性肺结核的患者。正在寻找结核分枝杆菌。由于该患者不属于这些类别之一,因此不会进行干扰素-γ释放测定。