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After failed rescue effort, rare porpoise in extreme peril
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-16 , DOI: 10.1126/science.358.6365.851
Elizabeth Pennisi

Last month, the Mexican government and an international team launched a last-resort plan to save the vaquita, one of the world’s smallest and most endangered cetaceans. With fewer than 30 vaquitas remaining, the group gathered on the shore of the Gulf of California in northern Mexico to try something unprecedented: Capture some of the porpoises, which grow to just 1.5 meters long, in a bid to breed them in captivity. At first, the $5 million effort—named VaquitaCPR—went better than expected, but then a female vaquita died while the researchers were trying to release her. VaquitaCPR leaders abandoned the rescue until an external review examines the circumstances of the death. But the risk of losing another may be too great for a second try. Instead, whether the vaquita, whose population has dropped 90% in the past several years because of illegal fishing net, survives another year now depends on clearing its waters of these nets.



上个月,墨西哥政府和一个国际团队启动了一项拯救小头鼠海豚的最后计划,它是世界上最小和最濒危的鲸类动物之一。剩下不到 30 头小头鼠海豚,这群人聚集在墨西哥北部的加利福尼亚湾岸边,尝试了一些前所未有的尝试:捕捉一些长到 1.5 米的江豚,以便人工繁殖。起初,这项名为 VaquitaCPR 的 500 万美元努力比预期的要好,但随后在研究人员试图释放她时,一只雌性小头鼠海豚死亡。VaquitaCPR 的领导者放弃了救援,直到外部审查对死亡情况进行了审查。但是失去另一个的风险对于第二次尝试来说可能太大了。相反,无论是小头鼠海豚,