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Energy Assessment of Wood Pyrolysis Coproducts for Drying and Power Generation
Energy & Fuels ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-27 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02998
Emanuele Graciosa Pereira 1 , Marcio Arêdes Martins 1 , Luis Felipe S. dos Santos 1 , Angélica de Cássia O. Carneiro 1

Carbonization is the process in which wood is heated in a closed environment with a controlled amount of air, producing charcoal as a solid product and secreting water vapor, organic liquids, and noncondensable gases. The burning of these gases generates energy that can be used for the drying wood to be carbonized or for generation of electric power in the carbonization plant itself. The present study had the purpose to conduct an energetic survey of the fractions from charcoal production process, aiming to subsidize and to encourage the technological development of equipment for energetic use of carbonization gases. The results showed that the energy contained in noncondensed gases and in pyroligneous liquid corresponds to a total of 31% of the wood energy used. Two scenarios of synchronizing four kilns were studied in pyrolysis, and a maximum and constant potential of 9.7 MW was obtained in scenario 2. The gas burner was efficient in the emission control, because it reduced CO and CH4 in the ranges of 97–99% and 68–91%, respectively. Thus, the gas burner is a promising technology for reduction of greenhouse gases and generation of thermal energy from carbonization coproducts.


