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The Role of Peers for Diabetes Management in Adolescents and Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A Longitudinal Study
Diabetes Care ( IF 14.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-04 , DOI: 10.2337/dc17-0643
Koen Raymaekers 1 , Leen Oris 1, 2 , Sofie Prikken 1 , Philip Moons 1, 3 , Eva Goossens 1, 2 , Ilse Weets 4 , Koen Luyckx 1

OBJECTIVE The increasing importance of peers in adolescence and emerging adulthood has been widely acknowledged. However, longitudinal research linking the peer context to diabetes management and outcomes is scarce. The present longitudinal study in a large sample of youths with type 1 diabetes related both positive and negative peer variables to diabetes outcomes over a time interval of 1 year.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Our sample consisted of 467 adolescents (14–17 years of age) and emerging adults (18–25 years of age) with type 1 diabetes who participated in a two-wave longitudinal study. Questionnaires tapped into peer support, extreme peer orientation, parental responsiveness, diabetes-related distress, and treatment adherence. HbA1c values were obtained from the treating physicians of patients. Cross-lagged analysis from a structural equation modeling approach was performed to assess the directionality of effects.

RESULTS Peer support negatively predicted diabetes-related distress over time. Extreme peer orientation positively predicted treatment distress over time. Parental responsiveness negatively predicted food distress over time. Treatment adherence negatively predicted extreme peer orientation, treatment distress, and HbA1c values over time. For emerging adults specifically, there was a reciprocal relationship between HbA1c values and extreme peer orientation, because they positively predicted each other.

CONCLUSIONS This study highlights the importance of peers in predicting the functioning of youths with type 1 diabetes. Additionally, treatment adherence at baseline was found to negatively predict extreme peer orientation, treatment distress, and worse glycemic control over time. In sum, the current study underscores the importance of the peer context for adolescents and emerging adults with type 1 diabetes.




研究设计和方法我们的样本包括467名青少年(14-17岁)和新兴成年人(18-25岁),他们参加了两波纵向研究,患有1型糖尿病。问卷调查涉及同龄人的支持,极端的同龄人的定向,父母的反应能力,与糖尿病有关的困扰和治疗依从性。HbA 1c值是从患者的治疗医生那里获得的。进行了结构方程建模方法的交叉滞后分析,以评估效应的方向性。

结果同伴支持随着时间的推移负面预测与糖尿病有关的困扰。极端的同龄人取向肯定会随着时间的推移预测治疗的困扰。父母的反应能力会随着时间的推移负面地预测食物困扰。治疗依从性负面地预测了极端的同龄人定向,治疗困扰和HbA 1c值随时间的变化。特别是对于新兴成年人,HbA 1c值与极端同伴取向之间存在相互关系,因为他们彼此之间具有积极的相互预测作用。

