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Stroke Death Rate Plateaus
JAMA ( IF 63.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-14 , DOI: 10.1001/jama.2017.15453
Rita Rubin

The infant was cared for only at her home, built in 1926. Two interior window wells in the house were found to have peeling lead-based paint, but given their inaccessibility and normal blood lead levels in the infant’s 3 older siblings, investigators concluded that this was not the likely source of the poisoning. The parents told the local health department that the infant sometimes wore a handmade homeopathic “healing bracelet” to relieve teething discomfort. They had bought the bracelet at a local fair and had seen their daughter chew on it. Testing revealed that small spacer beads on the bracelet contained lead. The bead manufacturer could not be identified, and the person who had made the bracelet could not be located. Lead paint, dust, and contaminated soil are the main sources of lead exposure in children, although lead-containing charms and jewelry marketed to children were linked to severe lead poisoning and death in 2003 and 2006. In 2010, the Consumer Product Safety Commission set a limit on lead content in items made and marketed for children. However, the standard doesn’t apply to items such as the homeopathic bracelet that are not intended for use by children. Physicians and caregivers should be aware of the potential for lead poisoning in children who have mouthed metal objects, especially jewelry.



婴儿只在她 1926 年建造的家中得到照顾。房子里的两个内部窗户井被发现有剥落的含铅油漆,但鉴于婴儿的 3 个年长的兄弟姐妹的血铅水平正常,调查人员得出结论认为:这不是中毒的可能来源。父母告诉当地卫生部门,婴儿有时会佩戴手工制作的顺势疗法“愈合手镯”,以缓解出牙时的不适。他们在当地的一个集市上买了这个手镯,看到他们的女儿咀嚼它。测试显示手镯上的小间隔珠含有铅。无法确定珠子制造商,也无法找到制作手镯的人。含铅油漆、灰尘和受污染的土壤是儿童接触铅的主要来源,尽管在 2003 年和 2006 年销售给儿童的含铅饰品和珠宝与严重的铅中毒和死亡有关。2010 年,消费品安全委员会对为儿童制造和销售的物品中的铅含量设定了限制。但是,该标准不适用于诸如顺势疗法手镯之类的非供儿童使用的物品。医生和护理人员应该意识到儿童用口含金属物品(尤其是珠宝)可能导致铅中毒。