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Visualization of periodic electric polarizability of helical nanofibers formed by self-assembly of nucleotide-bearing bolaamphiphiles and natural-source DNA as a template
Soft Matter ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-26 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1039/c7sm01420a
Rika Iwaura 1, 2, 3, 4

The possibility of fabricating DNA-based electronics has attracted considerable attention, but constructing robust, functional DNA nanowires on hard substrates has proven to be difficult. This paper describes the production of robust one-dimensional nanofibers by self-assembly of 1,18-nucleotide-bearing bolaamphiphiles templated by salmon sperm DNA. Electrostatic force microscopy measurements of the nanofibers on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite substrate revealed that they showed electric polarizability that varied periodically with a pitch of 20–30 nm. Atomic force microscopy, gel electrophoresis, and circular dichroism spectroscopy suggested that the periodic polarizability was derived from right-handed helicity induced by the template DNA. Salmon sperm DNA itself did not show electric polarizability.



制造基于DNA的电子产品的可能性吸引了相当多的关注,但是事实证明,在坚硬的基板上构造坚固,功能强大的DNA纳米线非常困难。本文描述了通过鲑鱼精子DNA模板化的带有1,18核苷酸的Balaamphiphils的自组装生产坚固的一维纳米纤维的方法。在高度取向的热解石墨基板上对纳米纤维进行的静电显微镜观察表明,它们显示出电极化率,其周期性以20–30 nm的间距变化。原子力显微镜,凝胶电泳和圆二色性光谱表明,周期性极化可归因于模板DNA诱导的右旋螺旋。鲑鱼精子DNA本身没有显示出电可极化性。