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Effect of Temperature Gradients in (Reverse) Electrodialysis in the Ohmic Regime
Journal of Membrane Science ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2017.11.029
Anne M. Benneker , Timon Rijnaarts , Rob G.H. Lammertink , Jeffery A. Wood

Abstract Electrodialysis (ED) and reverse electrodialysis (RED) are processes for the production of desalinated water (ED) and power (RED). Temperature of the feed streams can strongly influence the performance of both processes. In this research, commercial membranes are used for the investigation of temperature and temperature gradients on ED and RED processes. We find that the energy required for ED processes can be reduced by 9% if the temperature of one of the feed streams is increased by 20 °C, while maintaining the charge-selectivity of the membranes. The direction of the temperature gradient did not have a significant influence on the efficiency and selectivity of ED in the Ohmic regime. In RED, we find an increase in obtained gross power density over 25% for the process when one feed stream is heated to 40 °C instead of 20 °C. This work experimentally demonstrates that utilization of low-grade waste heat from industrial processes can yield significant reduction of energy costs in ED processes, or result in higher power densities for RED systems where the increase in temperature of a single feed stream already yields significant efficiency improvements.



摘要 电渗析 (ED) 和反电渗析 (RED) 是生产淡化水 (ED) 和电力 (RED) 的过程。进料流的温度会强烈影响这两种工艺的性能。在这项研究中,商用膜用于研究 ED 和 RED 过程的温度和温度梯度。我们发现,如果将其中一个进料流的温度提高 20 °C,同时保持膜的电荷选择性,则 ED 过程所需的能量可以减少 9%。在欧姆状态下,温度梯度的方向对 ED 的效率和选择性没有显着影响。在 RED 中,我们发现当一个进料流被加热到 40 °C 而不是 20 °C 时,该过程获得的总功率密度增加了 25% 以上。