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Sampling Dissolved Gases in Groundwater at in Situ Pressure: A Simple Method for Reducing Uncertainty in Hydrogeological Studies of Coal Seam Gas Exploration
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-13 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00457
Eddie W. Banks 1, 2 , Stanley D. Smith 3 , Michael Hatch 4 , Lawrence Burk 1, 2 , Axel Suckow 3

The ability to accurately and precisely measure dissolved gas concentrations in groundwater is crucial for environmental monitoring purposes. Unfortunately, the collection of dissolved gas samples in groundwater is challenging because of the loss of dissolved gas in the groundwater as a result of inadequate sampling methodologies and the need to avoid exposure of the samples to the atmosphere. In environments where water can contain large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide (e.g., coal basins), there is a high probability of separation between the water and gas phases during sample collection, making it impossible to accurately measure the gas concentrations in a groundwater sample. In this paper, we describe the design and development of a novel downhole sampler that is used to collect dissolved gas samples in groundwater at in situ pressure. The sampler was used to collect samples from 26 bores in a proposed coal seam gas field in regional New South Wales, Australia. Comparison of CH4 concentration data showed that the gas concentrations were higher using our methodology than when using alternate methodologies, especially when CH4 concentrations were >10000 μg L–1. Not surprisingly, results from the new methodology suggest that isotopic fractionation occurs when samples are collected using alternate methodologies.



准确而精确地测量地下水中溶解气体浓度的能力对于环境监测至关重要。不幸的是,由于采样方法不当导致地下水中溶解气体的损失以及需要避免将样品暴露于大气中,地下水中溶解气体样品的收集具有挑战性。在水可能包含大量甲烷和二氧化碳的环境中(例如,煤盆地),在样品采集过程中水相和气相之间的分离可能性很高,因此无法准确测量地下水样品中的气体浓度。在本文中,我们描述了一种新型井下采样器的设计和开发,该采样器用于在原位压力下收集地下水中的溶解气体样本。该采样器用于在澳大利亚新南威尔士州一个拟议的煤层气田中从26个钻孔中收集样品。CH的比较4浓度数据显示,使用我们的方法比使用替代方法时的气体浓度更高,尤其是当CH 4浓度> 10000μgL –1时。毫不奇怪,新方法的结果表明,使用替代方法收集样品时会发生同位素分级分离。