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Trace elements in the liver of captive and free-ranging European bison (Bison bonasus L.)
Chemosphere ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.11.050
Maciej Durkalec , Agnieszka Nawrocka , Michał Krzysiak , Magdalena Larska , Mirosława Kmiecik , Andrzej Posyniak

European bison is classified as a vulnerable species because of many threats. We analyzed the content of toxic and essential elements (Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Th, Tl, U, V, and Zn) in the livers of 30 captive and free-ranging European bison from the Bison Breedin Center in Smardzewice and from Białowieża Primeval Forest in Poland. The contents of toxic elements were lower than reported previously in European Bison and were similar to those of wild ungulates from non-polluted areas. Accumulation of Cd and Cr was related to the age of animals. We compared the mineral status between captive and freeranging European bison to verify whether the maintenance type could affect concentrations of trace elements in the liver. The concentration of Mn and Zn differed between captive and free-ranging group. Our results were compared to the reference values of essential elements for cattle. All animals from this study were Se-deficient and more than 80% of them have Cu deficiency. Deficiency of Mn was present in 20% of captive and 37% of free-ranging animals whereas Zn in 37% and 3% respectively. Statistical analysis confirmed that Mn and Zn deficiencies were related o the maintenance of animals (p<0.05). We revealed that mineral deficiencies could be an additional threat to the Polish population of European bison. Thus, the monitoring of essential minerals is necessary and future work is required to optimize the supplementation and foddering for preventing the occurrence of mineral deficiencies.


圈养和自由放养的欧洲野牛(Bison bonasus L.)肝脏中的微量元素

由于许多威胁,欧洲野牛被列为易感物种。我们分析了有毒和必需元素的含量(Ag,Al,As,Ba,Be,Cd,Co,Cr,Cu,Hg,Mg,Mn,Na,Ni,Pb,Se,Th,Tl,U,V,锌和锌)从Smardzewice的Bison Breedin中心和波兰的Białowieża原始森林中捕获的30只自由放养的欧洲野牛的肝脏中。有毒元素的含量低于以前在欧洲野牛中报告的含量,与来自无污染地区的野生有蹄类动物的含量相似。镉和铬的积累与动物的年龄有关。我们比较了圈养的欧洲野牛和自由放养的欧洲野牛之间的矿物质状态,以验证维持类型是否会影响肝脏中微量元素的浓度。俘获基团和自由分布基团之间的锰和锌的浓度是不同的。将我们的结果与牛必需元素的参考值进行了比较。这项研究中的所有动物都缺乏硒,其中80%以上的人患有铜缺乏症。Mn的缺乏存在于20%的圈养动物和37%的自由放养动物中,而Zn分别存在于37%和3%。统计分析证实,锰和锌的缺乏与动物的养护有关(p <0.05)。我们发现矿物质缺乏可能是对波兰欧洲野牛种群的又一威胁。因此,必需矿物质的监测是必要的,并且需要未来的工作来优化补充和饲料以防止矿物质缺乏的发生。这项研究中的所有动物都缺乏硒,其中80%以上的人患有铜缺乏症。Mn的缺乏存在于20%的圈养动物和37%的自由放养动物中,而Zn分别存在于37%和3%。统计分析证实,锰和锌的缺乏与动物的养护有关(p <0.05)。我们发现矿物质缺乏可能是对波兰欧洲野牛种群的又一威胁。因此,必需矿物质的监测是必要的,并且需要未来的工作来优化补充和饲料以防止矿物质缺乏的发生。这项研究中的所有动物都缺乏硒,其中80%以上的人患有铜缺乏症。Mn的缺乏存在于20%的圈养动物和37%的自由放养动物中,而Zn分别存在于37%和3%。统计分析证实,锰和锌的缺乏与动物的养护有关(p <0.05)。我们发现矿物质缺乏可能是对波兰欧洲野牛种群的又一威胁。因此,必需矿物质的监测是必要的,并且需要未来的工作来优化补充和饲料以防止矿物质缺乏的发生。我们发现矿物质缺乏可能是对波兰欧洲野牛种群的又一威胁。因此,必需矿物质的监测是必要的,并且需要未来的工作来优化补充和饲料以防止矿物质缺乏的发生。我们发现矿物质缺乏可能是对波兰欧洲野牛种群的又一威胁。因此,必需矿物质的监测是必要的,并且需要未来的工作来优化补充和饲料以防止矿物质缺乏的发生。
