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Absolute ion hydration enthalpies from absolute hardness and some VBT relationships
Chemical Physics Letters ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2017.11.015
Savaş Kaya , Robson Fernandes de Farias

In the present work, absolute hydration enthalpies are calculated from ion absolute hardness for a series of +1 and -1 ions. The calculated values are compared with those previously reported [2] and relationships between Vm-1/3 and absolute hardness are stablished. The following empirical equations have been derived, for cations and anions, respectively: ΔhydHo = -(9.645 η+ + 245.930) and ΔhydHo = -(64.601 η- + 12.321). In such equations, η+ and η- are the absolute hardness. It is shown that for d block monocations (Cu+, Ag+ and Au+), hydration enthalpy is closely related with Clementi effective nuclear charge by the equation: ΔhydHo = -(9.645 η+ + 245.930) (Zeff/(n-1)), where n is the main quantum number. Furthermore, is shown that a typical VBT parameter (Vm-1/3) is related with η+ and η- values and so, with the energies of the frontier orbitals, that is, is stablished a direct relationship between a structural parameter available by x-ray data and the energy of atomic/molecular orbitals.



在本工作中,从一系列+1和-1离子的离子绝对硬度计算出绝对水合焓。将计算值与先前报道的值进行比较[2],并确定了V m -1/3与绝对硬度之间的关系。以下经验公式已经导出,为阳离子和阴离子分别为:Δ水合ħ ö = - (9.645η + + 245.930)和Δ水合ħ ö = - (64.601η - + 12.321) 在这样的方程,η +和η -是绝对硬度。证明对于d块单阳离子(铜+,银+和Au +),水合焓紧密地与金文泰有效核电荷由下式相关:Δ水合ħ ö = - (9.645η + + 245.930)(Z EFF /(N-1)) ,其中n是主要量子数。此外,示出的是一个典型的VBT参数(V-1/3)与η相关+和η -值等,与前线轨道,即的能量,就坚定可用一个结构参数之间的直接关系通过X射线数据和原子/分子轨道的能量。
