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Polarizing head of House science panel to retire
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-09 , DOI: 10.1126/science.358.6364.708
Jeffrey Mervis

Scientists are hoping that the retirement of Representative Lamar Smith (R–TX) is the first step toward a more civil science committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. On 2 November, Smith announced that he would not seek reelection next fall to a 17th term. Since becoming science committee chairman in January 2013, Smith has fought acrimonious battles with scientists over peer review, climate science, and the role of the federal government in supporting basic research. Many place him at the forefront of what some critics have dubbed a Republican “war on science.” Smith told constituents of his San Antonio, Texas–area district that “for several reasons, this seems like a good time” to step down. Representative Frank Lucas (R–OK) is seen as having the inside track to succeed Smith if the Republicans retain their House majority in the 2018 election. If the Democrats prevail, another Texan, Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson, is likely to take the gavel. In the meantime, Smith will serve one more year as chairman.



科学家们希望代表拉马尔史密斯(R-TX)的退休是迈向美国众议院更多公民科学委员会的第一步。11 月 2 日,史密斯宣布他不会在明年秋天寻求连任,直至第 17 个任期。自 2013 年 1 月成为科学委员会主席以来,史密斯与科学家就同行​​评审、气候科学以及联邦政府在支持基础研究方面的作用展开了激烈的斗争。许多人将他置于一些批评家所称的共和党“科学战争”的最前沿。史密斯告诉他所在得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥地区的选民,“出于多种原因,这似乎是下台的好时机”。如果共和党在 2018 年大选中保持众议院多数席位,众议员弗兰克卢卡斯(R-OK)被视为有内线接替史密斯。如果民主党获胜,另一位德州人、众议员埃迪·伯尼斯·约翰逊很可能会接过槌。与此同时,史密斯将再担任一年主席。