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Tropical cyclones and public health: how climate change is driving increasingly extreme weather—an essay by Fintan Hughes, Jack Hodkinson, and Hugh Montgomery
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-09 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.j4908
Fintan Hughes , Jack Hodkinson , Hugh Montgomery

Doctors must advocate for less use of fossil fuel, write Fintan Hughes , Jack Hodkinson , and Hugh Montgomery , if the harms to public health seen in this year’s hurricane season are not to become more regular occurrences Throughout the 60 million years of the carboniferous period, which ended 300 million years ago, carbon dioxide was drawn down from the atmosphere and sequestered in fossil fuels. These fuels have only recently been burnt at scale. Cars first outnumbered horses in New York City just over 100 years ago, but there are now 1.2 billion vehicles on the road worldwide, and airlines carry over 400 000 passengers every hour. Burning fuels has increased atmospheric carbon dioxide substantially from 280 to 406 ppm since 1850. In 1896, Nobel Laureate and physical chemist Svante Arrhenius predicted that such rises could increase global surface temperatures. By 1970 climate scientists widely recognised this causal relation. In 2016, the average land surface temperature was 1.42°C higher than the 20th century average, with an increase in average global temperature of 1.1°C.1 Food shortages and the spread of disease resulting from climate change have been well described.2 However, the oceans have also been affected: water and ice have absorbed 93% of the net global energy gain caused by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and their surface temperatures have risen by 0.7°C since preindustrial times.3 Polar sea ice is melting—its surface area 2 000 000 km2 smaller in 2017, the minimum Arctic sea ice extent in September being 44% lower than the 1981-2010 average—and sea levels are rising by 3.4 cm a decade. Heat in our atmosphere and oceans causes air to rise and water to evaporate. This water precipitates as rain, and rising air creates pressure differences that cause wind. The resulting dynamic system is …


热带气旋和公共卫生:Fintan Hughes,Jack Hodkinson和Hugh Montgomery的文章

Fintan Hughes,Jack Hodkinson和Hugh Montgomery写道,医生们必须提倡减少化石燃料的使用,如果在今年的石炭纪的六千万年中,飓风对公共健康的危害不会变得更加常见的话,到了3亿年前,二氧化碳从大气中吸出并被封存在化石燃料中。这些燃料只是最近才大规模燃烧。在100多年前,汽车在纽约市的数量首次超过了马匹,但如今全球范围内的道路上有12亿辆汽车,而航空公司每小时载客量超过40万人。自1850年以来,燃烧燃料已使大气中的二氧化碳从280 ppm大幅增加到406 ppm。在1896年,诺贝尔奖获得者和物理化学家Svante Arrhenius预测,这样的升高可能会升高全球地表温度。到1970年,气候科学家广泛认识到这种因果关系。2016年,陆地平均温度比20世纪的平均温度高1.42°C,全球平均温度升高了1.1°C.1粮食短缺和气候变化导致的疾病传播已得到了很好的描述2。 ,海洋也受到了影响:自工业化时代以来,水和冰已吸收了二氧化碳和其他温室气体导致的全球净净能源获取量的93%,并且它们的地表温度自工业化以来已经上升了0.7°C。3极地海冰正在融化—其表面积在2017年减小了2000000 km2,北极地区9月份的最低海冰面积比1981-2010年的平均水平低44%,十年来海平面上升了3.4厘米。我们大气和海洋中的热量导致空气上升,水蒸发。这些水会随着雨水而沉淀,上升的空气会产生引起风的压力差。由此产生的动态系统是……