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Should doctors support restrictions on anti-abortion protests?
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-09 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.j5070
Francesca Robinson

The idea of buffer zones to prevent picketing around abortion clinics is gaining traction. Francesca Robinson reports on the feelings of doctors on both sides of the fence On the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act, on October 27, more than 100 MPs put their names to a letter urging the government to introduce buffer zones to prevent anti-abortion activity outside women’s and reproductive health clinics. It follows a groundbreaking vote by Ealing Council to explore the possibility of introducing a public space protection order to stop activists picketing women and staff outside its local Marie Stopes reproductive health and abortion clinic. These moves are welcomed by doctors who provide abortion care, but some people argue that such restrictions on the activities of anti-abortion pressure groups amount to a ban on free speech. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service, which runs more than 40 abortion clinics and sexual health centres in England, Wales, and Scotland, has campaigned for the introduction of buffer zones since 2014. It says anti-abortion activists carry large banners of dismembered fetuses, distribute leaflets containing misleading information about abortion, and follow and question women as they enter or leave the clinics. It claims that anti-abortion activity is escalating in the UK. Caroline Gazet, a surgeon and deputy medical director at reproductive health and abortion service provider Marie Stopes, agrees. “I have provided abortion care for 10 years and I have definitely noticed that over the past few years there are more protesters outside clinics, particularly at times such as Advent and Christmas,” Gazet says. Retired obstetrician and gynaecologist Wendy Savage says that although there have been violent incidents outside clinics in America, so far nothing similar has …



防止流产诊所周围发生纠察活动的缓冲区的想法越来越受到关注。弗朗西斯·罗宾逊(Francesca Robinson)报告了围栏两侧医生的感受在10月27日《堕胎法》颁布50周年之际,有100多位国会议员在一封信中致词,敦促政府引入缓冲区以防止反堕胎活动妇女和生殖健康诊所以外的地方。在此之前,Ealing委员会进行了具有开创性的投票,以探讨实行公共场所保护令的可能性,以阻止活动分子在其当地的玛丽·斯托斯生殖健康和堕胎诊所外对妇女和工作人员进行纠察。这些举动受到提供人工流产护理的医生的欢迎,但有些人认为对反堕胎压力团体活动的这种限制就等于禁止言论自由。自2014年以来,英国怀孕咨询服务公司(British Pregnancy Advisory Service)在英格兰,威尔士和苏格兰设有40多个堕胎诊所和性健康中心,该组织一直在争取引入缓冲区。包含有关流产的误导性信息的传单,并在妇女进入或离开诊所时跟踪并质疑妇女。它声称抗堕胎活动在英国正在升级。生殖健康和堕胎服务提供商玛丽·斯托斯(Marie Stopes)的外科医生兼副医学主任卡罗琳·加泽特(Caroline Gazet)表示同意。加泽特说:“我提供堕胎护理已有10年了,我绝对注意到过去几年来,诊所外的抗议者越来越多,尤其是在降临节和圣诞节等时候。”