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Doctors are less likely to be struck off for dishonesty than other health workers
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-08 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.j5184
Clare Dyer

The stresses of work and the influence of a malfunctioning workplace are important factors when doctors and other healthcare professionals are charged with professional misconduct, research has concluded.1 An analysis of 6714 cases of professional misconduct brought by three healthcare regulators, including the General Medical Council (GMC), identified three types of perpetrators. These are described as: the self serving “bad apple”; the individual who is corrupted by falling standards in the workplace; and the depleted perpetrator struggling to cope with the pressures of life. The study, led by Rosalind Searle, professor of organisational behaviour and psychology at the University of Coventry, looked at professional misconduct cases from 2014 to 2016 seen …



研究得出结论,当医生和其他医护人员被指控犯有专业不当行为时,工作压力和工作场所故障的影响是重要因素。[1]分析了由三名医疗保健监管机构(包括全美医学理事会)提起的6714例专业不当行为案例(GMC),确定了三种类型的肇事者。这些被描述为:自我服务的“坏苹果”;因工作场所标准下降而腐败的个人;穷尽的罪犯正在努力应对生活的压力。这项研究由考文垂大学组织行为和心理学教授罗莎琳德·塞尔(Rosalind Searle)领导,研究对象是2014年至2016年的专业不当行为案例,这些案例包括: